How to Stop Lying to Yourself and Start Losing Weight

Aug 23, 2023

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Apple Podcast - Spotify



Harnessing the Power of Mindset for Weight Loss in Midlife

Midlife can bring about a host of challenges, but perhaps one of the most pervasive is the struggle with weight. With age, our metabolism slows down, and the routines we've stuck with for decades might not serve us anymore. But the journey to health isn’t just about the physical. It’s a mental challenge. If you’ve been lying to yourself about why can't lose weight or why Trim Healthy Mama won't work for you, now is the time to change your narrative. Let's dive into how you can cultivate a mindset for weight loss in midlife, one that is honest, encouraging, and transformative.


The Pitfalls of Self-Deception

Sometimes, the biggest lies we tell are the ones we tell ourselves. These lies might include:

"I'm too old to change."

"This is just how my body is now."

"I've tried everything; nothing works for...

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Mastering Menopause: Mindset, Meals, and Movement for the Modern Woman

Aug 16, 2023

 Music provided by: 


Apple Podcast - Spotify


Are you navigating the twists and turns of menopause symptoms while trying to stay on track with your weight loss journey? 

Believe me, you’re not alone. 

So many women, as they approach midlife, struggle with hormonal changes, which can make weight loss seem even more challenging. 

As a Trim Healthy Mama coach who focuses on helping women in menopause & perimenopause, I’m here to guide you through some tried-and-true techniques to face these challenges head-on.


Power of Your Mindset in Menopause

Remember the time when sticking to a health plan seemed effortless? And whatever you were doing, exercise or calorie counting, got you the results you were striving to get?

Times change, and so do our bodies and circumstances. 

The thought, "it's just too hard right now," creates feelings of defeat. 

But our mindset, and our thoughts, have...

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Unlock Your Weight Loss Mindset And Actually Master Menopause

Jul 26, 2023

Music provided by: 

Apple Podcast - Spotify



Do you ever feel depressed, anxious, or guilty about food before or after eating?

Do you ever wish you could just make it through the day without having to analyze every little thing you eat and when/how you have to work out?

Do you want to avoid discouragement setting you back?

Are you ready to stop the excuses?

Then it’s time for you to get a weight loss mindset working for you. You see, most of us have a pre-established mindset full of unintentional thoughts. These thoughts are messages we get from ourselves, our family, and past experiences. Although it often feels impossible to just “think differently," sometimes making subtle changes in how you think is the KEY to skyrocketing your chances of success and giving you longer-lasting results.

So I'm going to give you seven keys to practice, to overcome self-sabotage. 


Key one: be a detective and a watcher of...

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Eating to Satisfaction

Jan 31, 2023

What satisfies you? 

When was the last time you paused to reflect and notice if you are satisfied or not? 

If you’re like me, it’s been a while. 

But I’m doing it now. 

Satisfied is a word that reminds me of the children’s story about Goldilocks and the Three Bears. She goes about the bears’ home proclaiming something to be too much of this or not enough of that until she finds the one that is “just right”. That seems to be a good definition of satisfied - just right. 

I love the verse in Matthew 14:20a which says, “And they all ate and were satisfied.” 

Not too much or too little, but just right! 

This is about one of the miraculous times that Jesus fed thousands of people when he only had 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish at his disposal. 

He made sure that they had enough to satisfy their hunger. 

They didn’t lack and they didn’t dip into gluttony. And what about Jesus? Did...

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Does Trim Healthy Mama work in Menopause?

Jan 17, 2023


Feeling confused?


Not sure what to eat?


Don’t know which Trim Healthy Mama fuels you should put on your menu plan?


Let’s get some clarity.


Optimizing your eating plan during the menopause transition is key to getting weight loss results. 


But, you can’t get those results if you are feeling confused, scattered, and overwhelmed.


Let me give you some peace, some security, and some confidence knowing that you are eating in a way that is blessing your body towards better health, vitality, and fat loss.


First, set your expectations correctly. You cannot be in a place of peace and kindness towards yourself if you are expecting to lose weight fast. Your body is special and needs the time it needs to heal and release extra fat. Give yourself the gift of time.


Next, stop the searching and questioning. The Trim Healthy Mama eating plan is hands-down the best weight loss LIFESTYLE approach. You can tweak it...

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Secrets to Trim Healthy Mama eating after Menopause

Jan 10, 2023


Hormones play a large part of fat loss and I'm not just talking about estrogen, progesterone, testosterone or DHEA. I'm talking about all your hormones, but especially insulin, cortisol, thyroid, and estrogen. Those four hormones are really mack daddy hormones that contribute to weight loss. 


The great thing about the Trim Healthy Mama plan is that everything that it stands for and all of the concepts the plan is based on help us with regulating blood sugar. There are some things though that need to change in our 40-plus season. These are the steps that we focus on in the Feminine Freedom path. Making these changes takes time and you might be frustrated with where you are right now. But if you can apply these principles, and you're consistent, then you can start shrinking fat cells, and you can see results. So I just want you to put on your patience. 


The Trim Healthy Mama plan is our foundation, staying on plan is key but we tweak it for our...

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A Daughter's Desperation to be healed

Jan 03, 2023

Mark 5:34 “Daughter,” he said to her, “your faith has saved you. Go in peace, and be healed from your affliction.”


Jesus calls her Daughter.

What an intimate name. In that one word, he conveys fatherly warmth, love, compassion, and protection. This is an amazing moment where desperate faith stretches out to touch a holy God. In this Daughter’s desperation, she seeks him out.

She follows him. She had only heard about him. But she must know that He alone is the source of healing and hope. Why else would she have dared approach him? Yet she “came up behind him”, not to his face.

Have you ever felt your faith desperate yet strained at the same time?

Maybe you feel unworthy. Maybe you've only heard about the goodness of God but have yet to experience it for yourself and so you are uncertain, scared to even dare to trust. But you look at your affliction and know that only by His hand will you find restoration and peace...

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Finding the good, choosing the beautiful

Nov 15, 2022

A word from Coach Leslie:

 “He who seeks good finds goodwill, but evil comes to him who searches for it.”  Proverbs 11:27 


Have you ever noticed that you find what you’re looking for? Maybe not every item you misplace, but you do find the thing that your heart looks for. This is true in many areas of life. God used this concept in my life to curb my habit of complaining. Here's what happened…


Just as I was processing this concept my family and I went on our first family vacation. At this time, we just had two babies (who are now 20 and 17!). We knew it wouldn’t be a “vacation” for my husband and me, per se because after all, our boys were little and still required all the care and energy given at home, now we were just taking it all to another location. Yet, we were hopeful that it would still be a nice getaway to do something different with our young boys.

The plan was to stay with my husband’s...

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Successful Trim Healthy Mama living

Sep 13, 2022

What does it take to be successful in reaching your goals?


I want to share with you what my most successful clients have in common and how they overcome common pitfalls to achieve success in their Trim Healthy Mama journey. 


  • Make a quality commitment to adopt the plan as a lifestyle. Not a perfect commitment, but an “I am in” day in and day out because they were done with dieting. Done with the mental drama. Create a vision and a “why” for showing up in a healthy way every day.


  • Redefine what success is. Success is no longer just the number on the scale or perfect food choices. Success is learning how to show up for yourself daily and honor yourself with your choices. Success is about how you think and learning how to harness the power of your mind to live to your full potential. Success is realizing that failure is a part of the process. Success is meeting yourself right where you are and taking baby steps to the next level. ...
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How to Stay On Plan (the Trim Healthy Mama way)

Sep 06, 2022

Successful people are people who have learned to fail without making themselves into a failure.


Learn to stay on your THM journey with these 6 keys:


Mindset: First, start with believing that you can, even if you have not proved it to yourself yet. Here’s the deal, if you believe that you can’t then you won’t. But, if you are willing to believe that you can eat the Trim Healthy Mama way, your brain will go to work trying to prove it. 

Action Step: Each day begin saying to yourself, “I am the girl that can learn to be consistently on plan. I believe that I can.” Don’t let that old story that you tell yourself run the show.


Be Prepared: Set yourself up for success, keep THM foods, desserts, snacks, and meals on hand to make it easier for you to stay the course. Preparation is key. 


Keep it simple: Do THM your way. What is working for you? What can you sustainably do right now? 


Give yourself lots of...

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