Get Your Trim On Store

12 Days of Fitmas (2023)

Tis the season to stay fit and active! All you need is a few minutes blocked out for strategic movement. No caving to this crazy season. Keep your body in top shape while boosting your metabolism and increasing your fat-burning potential. Coach Kris guides you through each workout with these exercises specifically for the over 40 woman.


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Plant-Strong Menu

A menu designed to help you make food choices that positively impact your body's defense system. Including more plants in your diet will help improve your health and is the next step to a healthier life.


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Overcome Burnout Naturally

Don't let burnout hold you back any longer. Take charge of your well-being and embark on a path toward renewed energy and resilience. 

Get your copy of 10 Ways to Restore Your Adrenals from Burnout now and unlock the tools you need to live a fulfilling, balanced life.


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Anti-Inflammatory Menu

Inflammation wreaks havoc in your body, especially as you get older.

This one-week menu plan focuses on foods that help your body reduce inflammation. Get your grocery list, recipe links, and two hot drink recipes just for inflammation reduction.



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Gentle Detox

Remember, it’s never too late to start making healthy life choices. Changing your whole lifestyle can feel overwhelming and extremely difficult sometimes. I have brought you a Gentle Detox Program to make the transition easier.  

The Program Includes: 

  • Program Guide 
  • Recipe Guide 
  • Menu Plans 
  • Grocery Lists 
  • Detox Journal


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Master Your Mindset Workshop

How many times have you tried a new diet and failed? How often have you invested hundreds of dollars in some new fad and wasted time and money?

Successful weight loss starts with your mind. You can try to change your circumstances all day, but that is only sustainable for as long as your willpower holds out.

Lasting changes start with the right thinking.


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Mastering Menopause Guide & Menu Plan

Ready to get the best of menopause? Learn what menopause is and how it can impact your life! Understand how to gain the upper hand on your symptoms and master menopause! Get the inside scoop on what to eat, supplement with, and drink to master every area of menopause! 


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Solution Guide & Menu Plan

Get the information and tips you need to take back your life when perimenopause hits!

In this guide, you will learn: 

  • Why perimenopause is an essential stage in life and how to handle your symptoms!
  • How to keep your body feeling great during perimenopause!
  • What to eat, supplement with, and drink to curb your perimenopause symptoms! 



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Hormones Made Simple for Lasting Results MASTERCLASS

Menopause -The pause and shift to maturity! 

Are you feeling anxious, sluggish, and exhausted?  

Yes, these are symptoms of menopause. But this journey does not have to be painful and depressing.  

Follow the straightforward solutions I teach in this masterclass to overcome womanly problems.

It is time to take charge of your health and reclaim control over your body! 

Not only that, but you will also be educated about menopause, the changes that it brings to your hormones, and ways to calm the hormonal disruption.  

Age with grace; don’t let these hormones play with your body! 


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Wise Woman Hormone Balancing Menu

A one-week menu designed to support your hormones toward better balance.

Enjoy an easy-to-follow menu plan with a grocery list & recipe links.

It can be complicated to lose weight when your hormones are out of balance, so this menu focuses on eating foods that support your hormones.


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Belly Fat Blast Menu

A one-week menu plan strategically designed to boost your belly fat loss without deprivation. Enjoy an easy-to-follow plan with a grocery list & recipe links. 

Did you know that certain foods are key to blasting your belly fat? This menu celebrates these foods and includes them in your daily eating plan.

*optimized menu for the woman over 40


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Metabolic Jumpstart Guide & Menu Plan

Jumpstart your metabolism with this comprehensive guide and menu plan. Doable action steps to impact your sleep, exercise, stress, and meals. Learn what affects your metabolism and how to make positive changes. 

The Metabolic guide includes several new recipes in your one-week metabolism-boosting menu plan.

Your menu plan includes a grocery list and a simple Trim Healthy Mama fuel guide. 


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Wise Woman Menu Bundle

Four strategic menu plans designed specifically for the woman in midlife. 

Anti-Inflammatory Menu: 1-week menu plan and grocery list

Wise Woman Hormone Balancing Menu: 1-week menu plan and grocery list

Belly Fat Blast Menu: 1-week menu plan and grocery list

Plant-Strong Menu: 1-week menu plan and grocery list


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Unleash Your Inner Calm

Are you tired of feeling overwhelmed and controlled by stress?

Do you yearn for a life where you can reduce your stress responses and regain a sense of peace and balance?

Look no further because this ebook is your guide to naturally beating stress and reclaiming control over your life!


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⬇️ Recent podcast episodes - follow for more.

The Best and Worst Cardio for Women Over 40

Jul 17, 2024