Q&A Exclusive: Grounding, Vitamin D, & Essential Aminos For Menopause

Jul 24, 2024

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Today, I'm excited to discuss your questions about midlife health and wellness. It's all about us today, so grab a cup of tea and let's chat about 


I love hearing from you and answering your questions and this episode is packed with hacks that can make a big difference in your midlife.


Menopause Hacks: Practical Tips for Midlife Health and Wellness

The Benefits of Grounding

Let's start with grounding. What exactly is it? Grounding, also known as earthing, is the practice of physically connecting with the earth by walking barefoot outside or using grounding mats or patches. 


I started using a grounding mat several...

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The Best and Worst Cardio for Women Over 40

Jul 17, 2024

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We're going to explore the science behind the best and worst types of cardio for us in midlife and beyond. Understanding the right kind of cardio is so important for maintaining our health and fitness, especially as we navigate the changes that come with menopause. So, let’s dive in!


The Role of Hormones in Midlife Fitness

As we hit menopause, our hormones, especially estrogen and testosterone, start to decline. Estrogen is amazing – it helps us build muscle, gives us energy, regulates glucose, aids insulin sensitivity, boosts metabolism, and protects our heart, breasts, and brain. Testosterone also plays a key role but is less prominent in women.


When these hormones drop, we face challenges in muscle building, energy levels, and metabolism. That’s why it’s crucial to tweak our exercise routines during midlife. With estrogen no longer providing its benefits, exercise becomes the stimulus we need to keep our bones...

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Unlock Symptom Relief with Bioidentical Hormone Therapy in Perimenopause

Jul 10, 2024

MUSIC PROVIDED BY - https://www.purple-planet.com/ 

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Navigating perimenopause can feel like a wild roller coaster ride, right? 

The hot flashes, the mood swings, the sleepless nights—it can be a lot. Today, I want to chat about something that has been a total game-changer for me: bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT). I want to share with you how BHRT can bring some much-needed relief during perimenopause and why it’s worth considering.


Understanding Perimenopause and Its Symptoms

So, what exactly is perimenopause? 

It’s that lovely transition period before menopause when our hormones start to go haywire. You might be feeling more anxious, dealing with bouts of depression, constantly exhausted, and not sleeping well. These symptoms can really mess with your daily life, and finding ways to manage them is super important.


What is Bioidentical Hormone Therapy?

Bioidentical hormones are...

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Is Your Thyroid to Blame? Solving the Weight Gain Puzzle

Jun 05, 2024

MUSIC PROVIDED BY - https://www.purple-planet.com/ 


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I want to talk about something that I see all the time and have personally experienced: unexplained weight gain in midlife. Many women I speak to on discovery calls are doing everything right, but still struggle with weight loss. 


One crucial factor that’s often overlooked is the thyroid. If your thyroid isn’t optimized, it can be almost impossible to lose weight, no matter how diligent you are with your diet and exercise. 


So, let's dive into why your thyroid might be the missing piece of your weight loss puzzle.


Understanding the Role of the Thyroid in Weight Gain

In midlife, our bodies undergo significant changes. Hormones start transitioning or even disappearing, and this can cause a sluggish thyroid. I was diagnosed with thyroid issues in my mid-30s, after years of chasing symptoms like fatigue, weight gain, and hair loss. Many women are unaware...

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Had Enough Sleepless Nights? Get Sleep Secrets For Midlife

Apr 17, 2024



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Has sleep been your friend or foe since you hit your perimenopause and menopause years? Maybe you’ve struggled since childhood, or maybe this is a whole new symptom that is messing with you.


I wish I had a magic pill that would give you a solid eight hours every night—shoot, if I did, I’d be the first in line to swallow it! But while you may not find answers right away, there are reasons why you need to keep trying to get more sleep in midlife and ways to support your body during this time.


Sleep can hold the key to not only feeling rejuvenated but also to weight management, hormonal balance, and overall well-being.

Why is Sleep Important?

Midlife introduces many challenges, including sleep, which is primarily driven by hormonal changes. As estrogen levels decline, sleep disturbances become more prevalent, leading to midnight awakenings, racing thoughts, and hormonal...

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Unlock Your Power: Decision-Making Magic for Women Over 40!

Mar 06, 2024



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The Power of Decisions: A Guide for Women Over 40


Unlocking Success Through Decisiveness

In a world filled with health and wellness aspirations, many women over 40 find themselves yearning for powerful results. 


However, "one of the number one things that keeps my clients from getting results" is often the lack of a firm decision-making foundation. 


Today, let's dive into the strategies to help women over 40 make decisive choices and persistently pursue their health and wellness goals.

The Crucial Role of Quality Decisions

Making a quality decision is the cornerstone of success in any journey: weight loss, hormone support, or overall well-being. 


You are 80% more likely to succeed at your efforts when you make that quality decision, but be warned, you need to make this decision often, sometimes daily.


To overcome this hurdle, create a checklist:

  • ...
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What Happens When Hormones Go Crazy? Better Strategies For Women Part 2

Feb 21, 2024

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Let’s unlock the puzzle and confusion hormones can cause and dive into the actionable strategies you need after 50 to support your hormones, fuel your fat-burning journey, and navigate the twists of menopause. 


This isn't just about weight loss; it's a common-sense approach to living your best second half-life. 


The Hormonal Impact of White Sugar, White Flour, and Seed Oils: A Menopause Menace

It's not just about what you eat; it's about what you avoid. 


White sugar, white flour, and seed oils can wreak havoc on your hormones. They trigger weight gain, mess with cholesterol, and throw blood sugar off balance. Choose nutrient-dense Whole Foods, with lots of plant options. 


Prioritize gut health with prebiotics and probiotics, focusing on vegetables,...

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What Happens When Hormones Go Crazy? Better Strategies For Women

Feb 14, 2024



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Thriving Through Menopause

Challenges in menopause can feel like putting together a jigsaw puzzle with pieces missing. And figuring out what your body needs is often daunting and requires understanding and tailored strategies.  


Hormonal Challenges and Solutions

In menopause, our hormones, specifically estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone, undergo significant changes. And one of the primary challenges women face in menopause is unexpected weight gain, particularly around the abdomen. Declining estrogen levels play a crucial role in fat storage, which affects body composition. However, new studies show that building muscle is a powerful tool in navigating this weight gain and boosting metabolism.

 "Estrogen helps regulate metabolism and body fat distribution and, believe it or not, muscle building."


The Role of Insulin in Menopausal Weight Management

Now, let's talk about...

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5 Tactics to Eat Right in Midlife and Boost Hormone Health

Dec 06, 2023



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What foods do we need to eat to support hormones in midlife?


Great question. But first, let's clear the air: certain foods and supplements can help SUPPORT your body during hormonal changes but not balance them. You won't be able to increase your hormone levels with these foods, but you can find symptom relief and increase your weight loss potential.


The only way to bring your hormones back would be with bio-identical hormones, which we will talk about another time.


1. Unmask the Culprits: Processed Foods and Inflammatory Oils

[Avoid the Junk]

Midlife throws its curveballs, and one sneaky culprit is the temptation of processed foods. From tortilla chips to Oreos, these so-called 'non-food' items can seriously mess with your hormones. Processed foods wreak havoc on your overall health and blood sugar levels; they offer no nutritional value.

Choose wisely among on-plan oils such as olive,...

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4 Ways to Stay Motivated, Lose Weight and Exercise after 50

Nov 29, 2023



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Hello friends, let's talk today about tips to stay motivated and on track in midlife. 

This is a hot topic in my Facebook communities and conversations with many women. 


Why is it so hard to stay motivated?


It's more than lacking self-discipline or laziness. In fact, the number one reason might be due to declining hormones. When you lose your estrogen, you often lose your get-up-and-go. You might also notice less energy in your mood and need more motivation. Lack of sleep might be slowing your energy level down, as well as a decrease in testosterone. Testosterone is your "get 'er done" hormone, while progesterone contributes to better mood and optimism, but when these hormones are low or non-existent, feeling motivated will be an issue.


Or perhaps you're just feeling discouraged because losing weight after 50 takes longer and is more challenging than you expected, even if...

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