The Best and Worst Cardio for Women Over 40

Jul 17, 2024

Apple Podcast - Spotify


We're going to explore the science behind the best and worst types of cardio for us in midlife and beyond. Understanding the right kind of cardio is so important for maintaining our health and fitness, especially as we navigate the changes that come with menopause. So, let’s dive in!


The Role of Hormones in Midlife Fitness

As we hit menopause, our hormones, especially estrogen and testosterone, start to decline. Estrogen is amazing – it helps us build muscle, gives us energy, regulates glucose, aids insulin sensitivity, boosts metabolism, and protects our heart, breasts, and brain. Testosterone also plays a key role but is less prominent in women.


When these hormones drop, we face challenges in muscle building, energy levels, and metabolism. That’s why it’s crucial to tweak our exercise routines during midlife. With estrogen no longer providing its benefits, exercise becomes the stimulus we need to keep our bones...

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Stop Weight Frustration In Midlife For Mind-blowing Breakthrough Results

May 08, 2024

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Apple Podcast - Spotify


I am so excited to introduce you to Debbie Martin, a friend and fellow Trim Healthy coach.


 She is here today to talk to us about her Trim Healthy and weight loss journey after 50 and with insulin resistance.  


I can't wait to get to all of the good things. First, Debbie will tell us how she stumbled onto the Trim Healthy Way.  


"My name is Debbie Martin. I'm 50 years old. I turned 50 last year and feel so good about it. I am so excited about being 50. I am a mom of five kids. They're not kids anymore; they're all grown, and I've been a wife for 30 years.


I have had trouble with my weight throughout my whole life, and I came across trim healthy way back; I don't remember the exact year, but it was early. I didn't stick with it because I stalled and tried other things, came back to trim healthy, and didn't stick with it again because...

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