7 Steps to Set Yourself Up for Success: A Midlife Coachā€™s Guide

Jun 19, 2024

MUSIC PROVIDED BY - https://www.purple-planet.com/ 


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Hello friends and welcome to our journey towards a healthier, more balanced life! Today, I'm excited to share with you how I set myself up for success each day, week, and even month. As a busy midlife mama, juggling multiple roles as a business owner, mom, wife, sister, daughter, and friend, I know firsthand how overwhelming it can be to manage everything while trying to maintain healthy habits and lose weight.


When I first started this journey, my brain resisted the idea of planning and pre-deciding my days. It seemed like a lot of work, and I didn't want to think through everything I needed to do. But I've learned that taking time on the front end is the key to success. When I follow my planning routine, I feel more in control and less frantic. When I don't, chaos ensues.


With nine kids, four still at home, and two homeschooling, plus recently graduating my 17-year-old...

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Reclaim Motivation in Menopause for Powerful Resilience

Apr 24, 2024



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Let’s talk about motivation…


Tip #1 - you do not have to FEEL motivated to take ACTION.


I like to look at motivation as something I can create with my thoughts. 


It would be great if we all felt motivated to do the things we know are good for us and will bring better health. Sadly, this is not how life works. But, by shifting away from how you feel and into creating motivation with your thoughts, you will be much more effective at reaching your health and weight loss goals.

Rethinking Motivation: Action Before Inspiration

How do you take action even when you don’t FEEL motivated?


When I am looking at whatever action I want to take, whether it's to work out with my weights, go for a walk, work on a project that I'm not super excited about, or make dinner, if I’m waiting for the feeling of motivation before I begin, it keeps me in a space of...

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The Truth about Detox to Energize your Midlife

Mar 27, 2024


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Whether navigating midlife challenges or simply seeking ways to optimize your health, I’m sharing valuable insights and actionable tips to support your journey towards greater well-being. Discover how you can unlock better energy and start on your own midlife detox journey today!


I wanted you to have a picture of what's going on with my restoration time and what I'm doing in my tribe membership right now that you might want to do as well. The first thing I want to talk about is my restoration journey. 


Back in December, I ended up having a root canal that was reworked. They had to take the tooth out they had to clean out the root canal; there was an abscess, there was bacteria, and I ended up getting an implant. That took my system way down. I was on...

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Energize your Weight loss journey with key Secrets to Midlife Health

Mar 13, 2024



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This is a letter from your Trim Healthy Coach, Kris Honecutt, for the midlife woman who craves health and weight loss.


I've penned down these words with you in mind, intending to offer keys that I have learned that can help you toward success. 


First and foremost, let me say you are not alone.


I see and hear you, and I'm so proud of you for taking that courageous leap into your weight loss and health journey. 


It's a journey filled with twists, turns, and sometimes unexpected detours, but it's also a journey of self-discovery, resilience, and triumph.


As I reflect on the invaluable experiences shared with my clients over the years, I've distilled some pearls of wisdom that I believe can guide you on your unique path. 


These insights are not meant to add pressure or expectations but rather to serve as gentle reminders and comforting companions as you...

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Unlock Your Power: Decision-Making Magic for Women Over 40!

Mar 06, 2024



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The Power of Decisions: A Guide for Women Over 40


Unlocking Success Through Decisiveness

In a world filled with health and wellness aspirations, many women over 40 find themselves yearning for powerful results. 


However, "one of the number one things that keeps my clients from getting results" is often the lack of a firm decision-making foundation. 


Today, let's dive into the strategies to help women over 40 make decisive choices and persistently pursue their health and wellness goals.

The Crucial Role of Quality Decisions

Making a quality decision is the cornerstone of success in any journey: weight loss, hormone support, or overall well-being. 


You are 80% more likely to succeed at your efforts when you make that quality decision, but be warned, you need to make this decision often, sometimes daily.


To overcome this hurdle, create a checklist:

  • ...
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What Happens When Hormones Go Crazy? Better Strategies For Women

Feb 14, 2024



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Thriving Through Menopause

Challenges in menopause can feel like putting together a jigsaw puzzle with pieces missing. And figuring out what your body needs is often daunting and requires understanding and tailored strategies.  


Hormonal Challenges and Solutions

In menopause, our hormones, specifically estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone, undergo significant changes. And one of the primary challenges women face in menopause is unexpected weight gain, particularly around the abdomen. Declining estrogen levels play a crucial role in fat storage, which affects body composition. However, new studies show that building muscle is a powerful tool in navigating this weight gain and boosting metabolism.

 "Estrogen helps regulate metabolism and body fat distribution and, believe it or not, muscle building."


The Role of Insulin in Menopausal Weight Management

Now, let's talk about...

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Simplifying Success: How to avoid Meal planning mistakes

Jan 10, 2024



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Ready to be bored to tears?

At least, I feel like you may be, but in the vein of staying real and showing you how to eat to lose weight in midlife….and keep it off.

Here’s a day in the life of my meals.


I am living proof that simple, boring systems do well to bring joy to your daily meals. Let’s explore the art of simplifying your meals so you are successful in midlife, lose extra weight, and boost your health to feel well. I’ll show you how to use practical strategies and keep meals simple yet incredibly satisfying.


The Power of Systems Over Goals

Picture this: a life where making healthy choices becomes second nature. It all starts with the realization that systems trump goals. Setting a goal is excellent, but without a system, reaching it can be a challenge. Years ago, I worked to build a habit of creating healthy yet easy meals for my family and myself. And I...

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How To Manage Weight Loss Expectations For The Best Midlife

Jan 03, 2024


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Weight loss in midlife and beyond requires a new approach to see the results you are hoping for. Whether those results are less weight, fewer inches around your middle, more energy, or increased health and wellness, you must strap on some extra patience and set up your expectations more carefully than when you were younger.


There is a good possibility that you have hurdles and life situations making it hard to take care of yourself. You might feel confused and discouraged about why your body gains weight over 40 even though you are actively trying to lose.


Getting your expectations to align with your new reality is key to maintaining a positive commitment and engagement to meet your weight loss goals once you hit your 40s.


Expectations in midlife set you up for failure or success

I spent years reading and referring back to my "manual of expectations." I had a marriage, homeschooling,...

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3 Proven Ways To Stop A Hormone Meltdown

Jun 21, 2023

 Music provided by: https://www.purple-planet.com/



If losing weight in your 40s were as easy as "calories in, calories out," then I would be out of a job. 


But sadly, it just isn't that easy. 


In fact, you can almost throw out every "diet" plan you've ever tried or heard about because it won't help you lose weight in midlife. In fact, it might do the opposite and cause your body to keep more weight instead. 


It's time to understand how to best support your body with nutrition during perimenopause and menopause and get tools to get through it quickly. 


Right now, you may be in your late 30s or early 40s and wondering why you're experiencing changes in your body that you never had before. You may be moody, anxious, have irregular periods, or have hot flashes. You probably find weight loss more difficult and notice your waistline expanding no matter what you do. These are all common symptoms of perimenopause. Or, you...

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A Daughter's Desperation to be healed

Jan 03, 2023

Mark 5:34 “Daughter,” he said to her, “your faith has saved you. Go in peace, and be healed from your affliction.”


Jesus calls her Daughter.

What an intimate name. In that one word, he conveys fatherly warmth, love, compassion, and protection. This is an amazing moment where desperate faith stretches out to touch a holy God. In this Daughter’s desperation, she seeks him out.

She follows him. She had only heard about him. But she must know that He alone is the source of healing and hope. Why else would she have dared approach him? Yet she “came up behind him”, not to his face.

Have you ever felt your faith desperate yet strained at the same time?

Maybe you feel unworthy. Maybe you've only heard about the goodness of God but have yet to experience it for yourself and so you are uncertain, scared to even dare to trust. But you look at your affliction and know that only by His hand will you find restoration and peace...

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