How to Get a Good Mindset to Lose Weight in Midlife

May 29, 2024


Apple Podcast - Spotify 



I want to share an inspiring story about one of my clients, Ruth, from my Feminine Freedom Pathway group. This Trim Healthy coaching program is designed for women looking to make lasting changes in their weight loss journey, focusing on hormones, mindset, and exercise. It’s amazing to see the transformations that happen, and I’m blessed and honored to be part of this journey with them.


As a coach, I don’t claim to have everything figured out. I’m deeply involved in the real, day-to-day challenges that my clients face, just like the ones I encounter myself. Ruth has been with my program for almost six months, striving to balance her weight loss efforts with her hormones, mindset, and exercise. It’s not easy to dial in all these aspects quickly, and many of you can relate to the frustration of trying to do everything at once.


One of my...

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How to Stop Food Cravings During Menopause: Strategies to be Trim and Healthy

Mar 20, 2024 


Apple Podcast - Spotify


Are you a woman over 40 struggling with sugar cravings during menopause? 

You're not alone. 

Many women in this stage of life find themselves battling cravings, weight gain, and frustration with slow progress. 

But don’t get discouraged. In this post, we will explore game-changing strategies to help you gain better control over your eating habits and conquer those sugar cravings once and for all.

Why do I want junk food?

Menopause brings hormonal changes that mess with your body; these changes may cause increased sugar cravings and less willpower. 

They are often a result of your brain seeking a dopamine hit, which highly processed foods provide. The dopamine hit isn’t bad, and you can get it by eating fruits or walking. 


"The key is to realize that your thoughts are actually a part of the problem."


The good news is that you can change your...

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Jingle All the Way to Wellness: Midlife Holiday Tips with guest Coach Sarah

Dec 20, 2023 


Apple Podcast - Spotify

What you eat in midlife is essential to reach your health and weight loss goals. 


But the holidays can throw a wrench in your efforts to stay on your Trim Healthy plan.


What would the holiday season be if we didn’t have all the sugary goodies overwhelming every friend, work, and family gathering?


Can you even imagine?


On today’s podcast episode, I chatted with a dear friend, Coach Sarah Truitt from Araya Hope Health.


Sarah is a busy mama to 6 kids and has been following the Trim Healthy plan for the last ten years and actively coaching for the past 5. 

She is on a mission to empower, equip, and encourage women to lead the next generation in health and healing.


Her insights into shifting from unhealthy and inflammatory food choices during the holidays to creating new food traditions with family and friends are powerful.


You’ll want...

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