6 Surprising Steps to Unlock Weight Loss After 40

Jul 03, 2024

MUSIC PROVIDED BY - https://www.purple-planet.com/ 


Apple Podcast - Spotify


Embracing Negative Emotions for Midlife Wellness: A Game-Changer for Weight Loss After 40

Hello, my friends. Today, we're diving into a topic that might not sound fun but is truly life-changing: how to feel negative emotions. Yes, you heard that right! It may not be fun, but understanding and embracing our negative emotions can be a game-changer, especially when it comes to weight loss after 40.


Understanding Negative Emotions

Negative emotions are feelings that we often try to avoid or push away. They can feel overwhelming, but they don’t have to control us. In midlife, managing these emotions becomes crucial, particularly for weight loss. Why? Because weight loss is a mindset game. Our sabotaging thoughts often keep us on that dieting roller coaster. When we can become aware of our thoughts and understand that they are driving our emotions, we gain the power to change.


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Stop Emotional Eating: Powerful Tips for Women in Midlife

Jun 26, 2024

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How to Stop Eating Your Emotions

Understanding Emotional Eating

Emotional eating is when we use food to make ourselves feel better rather than to satisfy hunger. It’s something I've experienced personally and helped my clients overcome. Conquering emotional eating takes time and daily practice. It’s not about using a simple tool for a little bit and then you're cured; it’s about consistently reminding yourself of the truth.


My journey with emotional eating began when I noticed that sometimes I’d eat out of boredom or when it wasn’t meal time. I wasn’t even hungry! I'd catch myself mid-bite, thinking, "Wait, why am I eating these tortilla chips?" That’s when I began to become aware of my habits.


The Emotional Eating Cycle

The Temporary Relief of Emotional Eating

Emotional eating gives us temporary comfort. It’s that quick dopamine hit that feels great in the moment but doesn’t...

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7 Steps to Set Yourself Up for Success: A Midlife Coachā€™s Guide

Jun 19, 2024

MUSIC PROVIDED BY - https://www.purple-planet.com/ 


Apple Podcast - Spotify


Hello friends and welcome to our journey towards a healthier, more balanced life! Today, I'm excited to share with you how I set myself up for success each day, week, and even month. As a busy midlife mama, juggling multiple roles as a business owner, mom, wife, sister, daughter, and friend, I know firsthand how overwhelming it can be to manage everything while trying to maintain healthy habits and lose weight.


When I first started this journey, my brain resisted the idea of planning and pre-deciding my days. It seemed like a lot of work, and I didn't want to think through everything I needed to do. But I've learned that taking time on the front end is the key to success. When I follow my planning routine, I feel more in control and less frantic. When I don't, chaos ensues.


With nine kids, four still at home, and two homeschooling, plus recently graduating my 17-year-old...

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The Surprising Reason Exercise is Making You Tired and How to Make it Better

Jun 12, 2024

 MUSIC PROVIDED BY - https://www.purple-planet.com/ 


Apple Podcast - Spotify


Are you really struggling with your weight and energy levels? If so, I wanted to talk a little bit about this phenomenon called exercise intolerance. 


Normally I encourage women to get moving and to do the needle moving exercises like strength training with a bit of HIIT (high-intensity) as well as Sprint interval training plus everyday movement. But sometimes I will talk to a client who is describing that they are exhausted they feel terrible after their workout. They can't just work through it and just get through the workout. This is something that can happen in midlife for different reasons and it's called exercise intolerance.


There can be many reasons for exercise intolerance, but don't hear me wrong, I'm not saying that you're intolerant to exercise because maybe you don't like it. That’s an excuse, but I'm talking about actual physical things that...

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The Truth About Why Itā€™s So Hard to Lose Weight in Menopause

May 22, 2024

Music provided by https://www.purple-planet.com/ 

Apple Podcast - Spotify 


When it comes to your weight loss journey and navigating menopause with the right hormones and exercise, I'm always thinking about what you need and want to hear. I listen to other podcasts or conversations so that I can glean valuable insights to share with you. My goal is to provide you with the keys to success, whether it's achieving weight loss or managing menopause symptoms.


I often enjoy breaking down recent coaching experiences because they reflect how I coach and learn to make the best choices for my own health. The beauty of coaching lies in not just getting educated but in learning how to apply that knowledge effectively. 


By sharing my journey and those of my clients, I hope to offer practical tips that you can easily incorporate into your life.


Today, I want to talk about a topic many of us grapple with: why is it so hard to lose weight in menopause....

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Is this stopping you from losing weight? Click PLAY to find out!

May 15, 2024

Music provided by - https://www.purple-planet.com/ 


Apple Podcast - Spotify 


Let's go ahead and address the elephant in the room and give you the master key on how to lose weight and keep it off: commitment.


How to Lose Weight and Keep it Off

It's a commitment to yourself, not to the scale, because the number one thing that keeps women from attaining their goals is that they quit.


I'm going to be talking about something that I see happening with the majority of the clients that I work with. And I've had some run-ins with this particular topic myself, and it really is about commitment. Now, there are a lot of other factors that play into weight loss, so we can't just rely on commitment alone without understanding those factors.


Even if you are committed, and maybe, just maybe, it's still not working, when you were committed, you stayed until the end and figured it out. When you're not truly committed, you quit, and then you end up...

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Stop Weight Frustration In Midlife For Mind-blowing Breakthrough Results

May 08, 2024

Music provided by https://www.purple-planet.com/ 


Apple Podcast - Spotify


I am so excited to introduce you to Debbie Martin, a friend and fellow Trim Healthy coach.


 She is here today to talk to us about her Trim Healthy and weight loss journey after 50 and with insulin resistance.  


I can't wait to get to all of the good things. First, Debbie will tell us how she stumbled onto the Trim Healthy Way.  


"My name is Debbie Martin. I'm 50 years old. I turned 50 last year and feel so good about it. I am so excited about being 50. I am a mom of five kids. They're not kids anymore; they're all grown, and I've been a wife for 30 years.


I have had trouble with my weight throughout my whole life, and I came across trim healthy way back; I don't remember the exact year, but it was early. I didn't stick with it because I stalled and tried other things, came back to trim healthy, and didn't stick with it again because...

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9 Eye-Opening Tips To Lose Weight After 40 Simplified

May 01, 2024



Apple Podcast - Spotify


Why is it so hard to lose weight for women after 40? 


There's a ton of factors contributing to this frustration, and it's important to understand what’s going on. The main culprits behind the challenge of weight loss after 40 come from various sources. 

Firstly, our metabolism undergoes changes as we age, impacting how efficiently our bodies burn calories. Additionally, hormonal fluctuations, including the decline in hormones like estrogen, directly influence our metabolism and can lead to insulin resistance and fat accumulation. Lifestyle habits also play a significant role, with factors such as inadequate sleep, dehydration, and unmanaged stress all contributing to slower weight loss. 


Despite these challenges, it's important to remember that successful weight loss after 40 is achievable.



I hate to be a bearer of bad news,...

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5 Fat-Burning Foods Proven To Get You Results

Apr 10, 2024



Apple Podcast - Spotify

One of the most common frustrations I hear from my fellow Trim Healthy Mamas in midlife is the increase in fat around their waist.


Today, I want to share the top 5 foods you can use in your everyday routine that are simple and effective at burning fat and creating an optimal environment for a better, healthier, and faster metabolism. 

Understanding Fat Loss:

But first, let's debunk a common myth right off the bat: you can't spot-reduce belly fat with endless crunches or planks. 



We can target fat loss through smart food choices, exercise, and lifestyle tweaks.


Our goal? Turning our bodies into fat-burning powerhouses.

1. Apple Cider Vinegar:

First up on our fat-burning food list is apple cider vinegar (ACV). Packed with acetic acid, ACV supports digestion and helps regulate blood sugar levels. By incorporating ACV into your routine, you can potentially reduce belly fat and...

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Energize your Weight loss journey with key Secrets to Midlife Health

Mar 13, 2024



Apple Podcast - Spotify


This is a letter from your Trim Healthy Coach, Kris Honecutt, for the midlife woman who craves health and weight loss.


I've penned down these words with you in mind, intending to offer keys that I have learned that can help you toward success. 


First and foremost, let me say you are not alone.


I see and hear you, and I'm so proud of you for taking that courageous leap into your weight loss and health journey. 


It's a journey filled with twists, turns, and sometimes unexpected detours, but it's also a journey of self-discovery, resilience, and triumph.


As I reflect on the invaluable experiences shared with my clients over the years, I've distilled some pearls of wisdom that I believe can guide you on your unique path. 


These insights are not meant to add pressure or expectations but rather to serve as gentle reminders and comforting companions as you...

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