Why Belly Fat is Stubborn After 50 and How to Lose It

Oct 16, 2024

MUSIC PROVIDED BY - https://www.purple-planet.com/ 

Apple Podcast - Spotify

Let’s talk about one of the most common frustrations we face in midlife: stubborn belly fat. 


If you’re over 50 and wondering why the weight seems to settle right at your waistline and refuses to budge, you’re definitely not alone. 


In this post, I’ll share effective, proven strategies for finally losing belly fat in a healthy, sustainable way. 


Spoiler alert—there’s no magic trick or one-size-fits-all solution! 


Let’s dig into what works and how you can implement these strategies today.



Why Belly Fat is Different in Menopause

Understanding Changes in Midlife

Hormones play a big role in menopause and belly fat. As estrogen levels drop, our bodies tend to store more fat, especially around the midsection. This isn’t just a cosmetic concern; excess belly fat is linked to health issues like...

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How to Tackle Weight Loss Challenges During Menopause

Oct 09, 2024


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Can I Really Lose Weight in Menopause?

So many women in midlife ask, "Can I still lose weight in menopause?" It can feel like your body has hit a roadblock with all the changes that happen during this season. Trust me, I've been there! 


While it may seem like metabolism comes to a screeching halt, the truth is we can absolutely support our bodies and lose weight.

Midlife weight loss might look slightly different than it did in your 20s or 30s, but it's achievable with the right approach. Let’s explore what happens to our metabolism during menopause and some practical steps you can take to support your body in this journey.



Understanding Metabolism Changes in Menopause

Why Does My Metabolism Change in Midlife?  

First things first: our metabolism isn't supposed to drop dramatically until we’re about 60! But, thanks to lifestyle factors, stress, and especially hormone changes, many women...

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How to Thrive in Midlife with Movement, Nutrition, and Hormone Balance

Sep 25, 2024


Hey there! Quick heads-up—this post contains affiliate links to products I’ve mentioned. If you choose to use them, it won’t cost you anything extra, but I may earn a small commission. No pressure at all, just a big thanks for your support!


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Midlife can feel like a rollercoaster, especially when your hormones seem to have a mind of their own, your body isn’t responding to old routines, and stress levels are through the roof. 


But here's the thing—you can thrive in this season of life! 


It takes smart movement, mindful eating, and the right support system to get you there. 


I’ve been where you are, and through years of trial and error, I’ve discovered what works for me and the women I coach. 


So, let’s dive into how you can thrive, starting with movement, nutrition, and managing those hormone changes you’re dealing with in midlife.


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Why Trim Healthy is Failing You In Menopause (And How To Fix It)

Sep 11, 2024

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Does Trim Healthy Mama Work in Menopause? A Mindset Tool for Midlife Women


Today, I’m diving into one of my favorite coaching tools, which is an absolute game-changer for women in menopause. This tool, when applied consistently, can help you show up differently in your Trim Healthy Mama journey and finally see those lasting results you’ve been after.


So, if you want something different, you’ve got to do something different. 


I know, easier said than done, right? 


That’s where this tool comes in. I first learned it from Brooke Castillo at The Life Coach School. It’s called “The Model,” and it has roots in teachings from various mentors, all beautifully refined into this one mindset tool.


This tool came into my life when I was knee-deep in perimenopause, dealing with a lot of heavy stuff—health crises, family challenges, the whole nine yards. This mindset model...

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Say Hello To A Slimmer You: How To Reduce Hormonal Belly Fat After 40

Aug 21, 2024

 MUSIC PROVIDED BY - https://www.purple-planet.com/


Apple Podcast - Spotify


Recently, I had the chance to hang out with a couple of younger friends—both in their late 30s and early 40s. 


As we relaxed by the lake, our conversation naturally drifted toward health and wellness. 


They started sharing how they felt puffy, and bloated, and were gaining weight, especially around their middle. 

Energy levels were dipping, anxiety was creeping in, and they were experiencing aches and pains that seemed to come out of nowhere. 


Listening to them brought back memories of my own transition into this season of life. 


At 56, I've walked the path they're just beginning to navigate, and it's a journey that many of us are familiar with—welcome to the world of perimenopause.


Embracing Midlife Changes: Navigating Hormonal Shifts After 40

Recognizing Early Signs of Hormonal Belly Fat and What to Do About It


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Love Your Liver In Midlife: Simple Tips To Detox

Aug 14, 2024

MUSIC PROVIDED BY - https://www.purple-planet.com/ 


Apple Podcast - Spotify


As we get older, especially during menopause, our liver can get a bit sluggish.

And when that happens, it can mess with our hormones, cause weight gain, and make us feel generally off. But don't worry! I’m here to share some easy tips that I use myself to keep my liver happy and healthy.


Why a Midlife Liver Detox is Crucial During Menopause

Understanding the Impact of a Sluggish Liver on Hormones and Weight

So, why should we care about our liver, especially now?

Well, as we age and our hormones start to shift, our bodies can begin to store more fat. And when our liver isn't working well, it can’t get rid of the toxins we encounter every day.


These toxins—like the stuff in our skincare products, plastics, and polluted air—end up getting stored in our fat. This can lead to weight gain, slow weight loss, and even more menopausal symptoms.


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6 Surprising Steps to Unlock Weight Loss After 40

Jul 03, 2024

MUSIC PROVIDED BY - https://www.purple-planet.com/ 


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Embracing Negative Emotions for Midlife Wellness: A Game-Changer for Weight Loss After 40

Hello, my friends. Today, we're diving into a topic that might not sound fun but is truly life-changing: how to feel negative emotions. Yes, you heard that right! It may not be fun, but understanding and embracing our negative emotions can be a game-changer, especially when it comes to weight loss after 40.


Understanding Negative Emotions

Negative emotions are feelings that we often try to avoid or push away. They can feel overwhelming, but they don’t have to control us. In midlife, managing these emotions becomes crucial, particularly for weight loss. Why? Because weight loss is a mindset game. Our sabotaging thoughts often keep us on that dieting roller coaster. When we can become aware of our thoughts and understand that they are driving our emotions, we gain the power to change.


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Stop Emotional Eating: Powerful Tips for Women in Midlife

Jun 26, 2024

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How to Stop Eating Your Emotions

Understanding Emotional Eating

Emotional eating is when we use food to make ourselves feel better rather than to satisfy hunger. It’s something I've experienced personally and helped my clients overcome. Conquering emotional eating takes time and daily practice. It’s not about using a simple tool for a little bit and then you're cured; it’s about consistently reminding yourself of the truth.


My journey with emotional eating began when I noticed that sometimes I’d eat out of boredom or when it wasn’t meal time. I wasn’t even hungry! I'd catch myself mid-bite, thinking, "Wait, why am I eating these tortilla chips?" That’s when I began to become aware of my habits.


The Emotional Eating Cycle

The Temporary Relief of Emotional Eating

Emotional eating gives us temporary comfort. It’s that quick dopamine hit that feels great in the moment but doesn’t...

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7 Steps to Set Yourself Up for Success: A Midlife Coachā€™s Guide

Jun 19, 2024

MUSIC PROVIDED BY - https://www.purple-planet.com/ 


Apple Podcast - Spotify


Hello friends and welcome to our journey towards a healthier, more balanced life! Today, I'm excited to share with you how I set myself up for success each day, week, and even month. As a busy midlife mama, juggling multiple roles as a business owner, mom, wife, sister, daughter, and friend, I know firsthand how overwhelming it can be to manage everything while trying to maintain healthy habits and lose weight.


When I first started this journey, my brain resisted the idea of planning and pre-deciding my days. It seemed like a lot of work, and I didn't want to think through everything I needed to do. But I've learned that taking time on the front end is the key to success. When I follow my planning routine, I feel more in control and less frantic. When I don't, chaos ensues.


With nine kids, four still at home, and two homeschooling, plus recently graduating my 17-year-old...

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The Surprising Reason Exercise is Making You Tired and How to Make it Better

Jun 12, 2024

 MUSIC PROVIDED BY - https://www.purple-planet.com/ 


Apple Podcast - Spotify


Are you really struggling with your weight and energy levels? If so, I wanted to talk a little bit about this phenomenon called exercise intolerance. 


Normally I encourage women to get moving and to do the needle moving exercises like strength training with a bit of HIIT (high-intensity) as well as Sprint interval training plus everyday movement. But sometimes I will talk to a client who is describing that they are exhausted they feel terrible after their workout. They can't just work through it and just get through the workout. This is something that can happen in midlife for different reasons and it's called exercise intolerance.


There can be many reasons for exercise intolerance, but don't hear me wrong, I'm not saying that you're intolerant to exercise because maybe you don't like it. That’s an excuse, but I'm talking about actual physical things that...

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