7 Steps to Set Yourself Up for Success: A Midlife Coachā€™s Guide

Jun 19, 2024

MUSIC PROVIDED BY - https://www.purple-planet.com/ 


Apple Podcast - Spotify


Hello friends and welcome to our journey towards a healthier, more balanced life! Today, I'm excited to share with you how I set myself up for success each day, week, and even month. As a busy midlife mama, juggling multiple roles as a business owner, mom, wife, sister, daughter, and friend, I know firsthand how overwhelming it can be to manage everything while trying to maintain healthy habits and lose weight.


When I first started this journey, my brain resisted the idea of planning and pre-deciding my days. It seemed like a lot of work, and I didn't want to think through everything I needed to do. But I've learned that taking time on the front end is the key to success. When I follow my planning routine, I feel more in control and less frantic. When I don't, chaos ensues.


With nine kids, four still at home, and two homeschooling, plus recently graduating my 17-year-old...

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Simplifying Success: How to avoid Meal planning mistakes

Jan 10, 2024



Apple Podcast - Spotify



Ready to be bored to tears?

At least, I feel like you may be, but in the vein of staying real and showing you how to eat to lose weight in midlife….and keep it off.

Here’s a day in the life of my meals.


I am living proof that simple, boring systems do well to bring joy to your daily meals. Let’s explore the art of simplifying your meals so you are successful in midlife, lose extra weight, and boost your health to feel well. I’ll show you how to use practical strategies and keep meals simple yet incredibly satisfying.


The Power of Systems Over Goals

Picture this: a life where making healthy choices becomes second nature. It all starts with the realization that systems trump goals. Setting a goal is excellent, but without a system, reaching it can be a challenge. Years ago, I worked to build a habit of creating healthy yet easy meals for my family and myself. And I...

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Managing Stress and Cortisol Levels with Pre-Made Decisions

May 03, 2023


Apple Podcast - Spotify


There are days the constant bombardment of questions has me ready to catch the next ride to crazy town.


I'm not talking about big, scary decisions but the daily ones. The decisions you need to make every single day.


What's for dinner? When should I exercise? How many meals should I eat? When am I going to walk? What should I eat for a snack? Is this enough protein? What trim healthy fuel should I eat next?


The level of panic that starts to set in makes me feel like Lucille Ball in "I Love Lucy" trying to deal with too much candy on the conveyor belt.


It's all too much!





When you live in this state of panic and constant decision-making, you are setting yourself up physiologically for increased cortisol levels. Those cortisol levels trigger your body to store fat at your waistline and create an uptick in inflammation.


By leaving multiple decisions...

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Trim your Middle with Time-Saving Strategies

Mar 08, 2023

What’s for dinner?

When should I exercise?

How many E meals have I had today?

When am I going to walk?

What should I eat for a snack?

Is this enough protein?

What Trim Healthy fuel should I eat next?


Can you feel your increased heart-rate? Or the sweat beading along your hairline? Maybe you’ve found a nice quiet corner to hide in until all these questions go away.


Has freestyling your Trim Healthy eating plan turned into a recipe for stress?


Do you feel like you might just explode if you have to field one more question or make one more decision?


While we don’t want to live in calorie counting land, living without a plan is a sure recipe for hormonal disaster.


Let’s take a 30,000 foot view to see what is going on in your body when you try freestyling decisions every day.


Estrogen serves as your main hormone to counter cortisol and works as a powerful anti-inflammatory agent. 


Cortisol is your primary stress...

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