Q&A Exclusive: Grounding, Vitamin D, & Essential Aminos For Menopause

Jul 24, 2024

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Today, I'm excited to discuss your questions about midlife health and wellness. It's all about us today, so grab a cup of tea and let's chat about 


I love hearing from you and answering your questions and this episode is packed with hacks that can make a big difference in your midlife.


Menopause Hacks: Practical Tips for Midlife Health and Wellness

The Benefits of Grounding

Let's start with grounding. What exactly is it? Grounding, also known as earthing, is the practice of physically connecting with the earth by walking barefoot outside or using grounding mats or patches. 


I started using a grounding mat several...

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The Truth about Midlife Moodiness and Ways to Feel Better

Aug 30, 2023

Music provided by: https://www.purple-planet.com/ 


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Midlife Moodiness and Ways to Feel Better During Menopause


Welcome to our heart-to-heart about the link between midlife, menopause, and those unexpected mood swings. Let's walk this journey together, seeking understanding and uncovering the right strategies to support our overall well-being.


Understanding the Midlife Mood Shift

When we think about menopause, the first thoughts often revolve around physical changes. However, the mood fluctuations are just as real and sometimes even more daunting.


The Science Behind Menopause and Moodiness

The Hormonal Roller Coaster

Firstly, it's crucial to grasp the role hormones play in these changes. As we venture into midlife, declining hormones can result in heightened risks of anxiety, depression, and mood-related issues. Here's a snapshot of the hormone impact:

Estradiol: Fluctuates during menopause and perimenopause.


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