Q&A Exclusive: Grounding, Vitamin D, & Essential Aminos For Menopause

Jul 24, 2024

NOTE: Hey there! Just a heads-up, this post has affiliate links that help you find the stuff I mentioned in the podcast and support the channel without costing you anything extra. If you decide to use them, I might earn a little bit, but there's absolutely no pressure to do so. Thanks a bunch for your support!


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Today, I'm excited to discuss your questions about midlife health and wellness. It's all about us today, so grab a cup of tea and let's chat about 


I love hearing from you and answering your questions and this episode is packed with hacks that can make a big difference in your midlife.


Menopause Hacks: Practical Tips for Midlife Health and Wellness

The Benefits of Grounding

Let's start with grounding. What exactly is it? Grounding, also known as earthing, is the practice of physically connecting with the earth by walking barefoot outside or using grounding mats or patches. 


I started using a grounding mat several...

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The Truth about Detox to Energize your Midlife

Mar 27, 2024


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Whether navigating midlife challenges or simply seeking ways to optimize your health, I’m sharing valuable insights and actionable tips to support your journey towards greater well-being. Discover how you can unlock better energy and start on your own midlife detox journey today!


I wanted you to have a picture of what's going on with my restoration time and what I'm doing in my tribe membership right now that you might want to do as well. The first thing I want to talk about is my restoration journey. 


Back in December, I ended up having a root canal that was reworked. They had to take the tooth out they had to clean out the root canal; there was an abscess, there was bacteria, and I ended up getting an implant. That took my system way down. I was on...

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Balancing Act: Work, Life, and Menopause Survival Strategies

Feb 07, 2024



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Personal Journey and Menopause

Today, I'm going to talk about a personal journey. I won't be following any notes or trying to teach anything specific. I invite you to sit back and listen; you might find echoes of your own story in mine. I'm currently navigating my midlife season at 55, experiencing menopause. Throughout my life, I've often powered through challenges, but now I've realized the importance of listening to my body, especially during this less resilient phase.


Family Crisis and Impact on Well-being

Midway through last year, we faced a family crisis. My son was struggling with a mental illness, leading to sleep disturbances, increased stress, and challenges in maintaining overall well-being. Despite various efforts, including medical support and addressing hormonal imbalances, my energy levels plummeted, and my nervous system remained highly sensitive.


Navigating Challenges and...

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