Is Your Thyroid to Blame? Solving the Weight Gain Puzzle

Jun 05, 2024



Apple Podcast - Spotify

I want to talk about something that I see all the time and have personally experienced: unexplained weight gain in midlife. Many women I speak to on discovery calls are doing everything right, but still struggle with weight loss. 


One crucial factor that’s often overlooked is the thyroid. If your thyroid isn’t optimized, it can be almost impossible to lose weight, no matter how diligent you are with your diet and exercise. 


So, let's dive into why your thyroid might be the missing piece of your weight loss puzzle.


Understanding the Role of the Thyroid in Weight Gain

In midlife, our bodies undergo significant changes. Hormones start transitioning or even disappearing, and this can cause a sluggish thyroid. I was diagnosed with thyroid issues in my mid-30s, after years of chasing symptoms like fatigue, weight gain, and hair loss. Many women are unaware...

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The Truth About Why It’s So Hard to Lose Weight in Menopause

May 22, 2024

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Apple Podcast - Spotify 


When it comes to your weight loss journey and navigating menopause with the right hormones and exercise, I'm always thinking about what you need and want to hear. I listen to other podcasts or conversations so that I can glean valuable insights to share with you. My goal is to provide you with the keys to success, whether it's achieving weight loss or managing menopause symptoms.


I often enjoy breaking down recent coaching experiences because they reflect how I coach and learn to make the best choices for my own health. The beauty of coaching lies in not just getting educated but in learning how to apply that knowledge effectively. 


By sharing my journey and those of my clients, I hope to offer practical tips that you can easily incorporate into your life.


Today, I want to talk about a topic many of us grapple with: why is it so hard to lose weight in menopause....

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Is this stopping you from losing weight? Click PLAY to find out!

May 15, 2024

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Apple Podcast - Spotify 


Let's go ahead and address the elephant in the room and give you the master key on how to lose weight and keep it off: commitment.


How to Lose Weight and Keep it Off

It's a commitment to yourself, not to the scale, because the number one thing that keeps women from attaining their goals is that they quit.


I'm going to be talking about something that I see happening with the majority of the clients that I work with. And I've had some run-ins with this particular topic myself, and it really is about commitment. Now, there are a lot of other factors that play into weight loss, so we can't just rely on commitment alone without understanding those factors.


Even if you are committed, and maybe, just maybe, it's still not working, when you were committed, you stayed until the end and figured it out. When you're not truly committed, you quit, and then you end up...

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9 Eye-Opening Tips To Lose Weight After 40 Simplified

May 01, 2024 


Apple Podcast - Spotify


Why is it so hard to lose weight for women after 40? 


There's a ton of factors contributing to this frustration, and it's important to understand what’s going on. The main culprits behind the challenge of weight loss after 40 come from various sources. 

Firstly, our metabolism undergoes changes as we age, impacting how efficiently our bodies burn calories. Additionally, hormonal fluctuations, including the decline in hormones like estrogen, directly influence our metabolism and can lead to insulin resistance and fat accumulation. Lifestyle habits also play a significant role, with factors such as inadequate sleep, dehydration, and unmanaged stress all contributing to slower weight loss. 


Despite these challenges, it's important to remember that successful weight loss after 40 is achievable.



I hate to be a bearer of bad news,...

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Unlock Your Power: Decision-Making Magic for Women Over 40!

Mar 06, 2024 


Apple Podcast - Spotify



The Power of Decisions: A Guide for Women Over 40


Unlocking Success Through Decisiveness

In a world filled with health and wellness aspirations, many women over 40 find themselves yearning for powerful results. 


However, "one of the number one things that keeps my clients from getting results" is often the lack of a firm decision-making foundation. 


Today, let's dive into the strategies to help women over 40 make decisive choices and persistently pursue their health and wellness goals.

The Crucial Role of Quality Decisions

Making a quality decision is the cornerstone of success in any journey: weight loss, hormone support, or overall well-being. 


You are 80% more likely to succeed at your efforts when you make that quality decision, but be warned, you need to make this decision often, sometimes daily.


To overcome this hurdle, create a checklist:

  • ...
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Proven Methods to Shatter 'Can't Lose Weight' in Menopause

Oct 25, 2023

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Apple Podcast - Spotify



Ditch the 'can't lose weight' in Menopause 

Shifting Your Thinking About Weight Loss in Midlife

The journey of midlife weight loss is often met with unique challenges. Women in this phase of life can find themselves facing extra weight, with the belief that weight loss is impossible. But, let's shift that thinking and instead start on a journey of transformation. 


Why This Will Work for You

A Five-Step System for Transformation

I've developed a five-step system that has proven effective for women navigating the complexities of midlife. The program breaks down how to lose weight, turn on your metabolism, and shrink belly fat. Each step plays a vital role in helping you achieve your weight loss goals.


Overcoming the "I've Tried Everything" Mentality

Have you tried numerous weight loss methods without success? Even Trim Healthy Mama? You're not alone, but it...

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Is protein really important?

Dec 06, 2022
Let it be known that the author of this content is an official THM Affiliate and is earning a percentage off of links used in the content that may link directly to the THM online store.


As you age, you start to lose bone and muscle mass. But, there is 1 nutrient that is key to helping you retain muscle mass and bone density. 




Every day you are faced with food choices. Some of those foods help your body and others simply don’t.


If you are in the throes of perimenopause or menopause, even in post menopause one of the best ways you can support your body is to pay attention to what is at the end of your fork. 

Your hormonal symptoms like inability to sleep, hot flashes, low-level anxiety, and stomach bloating are directly related to the foods you choose to eat. It is time to put on your big-girl panties and declare that your health will take priority over your desires and urges and choose foods to heal &...

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