10 Proven Ways to Stay on the Trim Healthy Plan

Sep 18, 2024

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I have a question for you today that will take us back to the basics of the Trim Healthy Mama (THM) plan. 


What if you focused on just staying on plan? 


No worries about the scale or how fast or slow your weight loss is. 

No overthinking what's working, what's hard, or what you don't like about it.


Life happens. We all get overwhelmed by the constant juggling of responsibilities.


But what if, amidst all the chaos, your only focus was this simple, yet life-changing goal: Stay on plan. 


What Does Staying On Plan Look Like?

Staying on plan doesn’t mean perfection;...

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Unlock Weight Loss in Menopause With these 7 powerful Supplements

Aug 28, 2024

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What Supplements Can I Take to Lose Weight During Menopause?

Navigating menopause can feel like an uphill battle, especially when those extra pounds start creeping on. But, there are some game-changing supplements that can really help you manage your weight during this season of life. 


Before we dive in, remember: I’m not a doctor, so it’s crucial to check with your healthcare provider before starting any new supplement regimen.


Why Is Menopause Linked to Weight Gain?

Menopause often brings about unwanted weight gain, particularly around the belly. On average, women can expect to gain around 10 pounds during this time. So, why does this happen? It’s all about our changing hormones.


As your estrogen levels decline, your body’s ability to metabolize glucose and maintain muscle...

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Say Hello To A Slimmer You: How To Reduce Hormonal Belly Fat After 40

Aug 21, 2024

 MUSIC PROVIDED BY - https://www.purple-planet.com/


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Recently, I had the chance to hang out with a couple of younger friends—both in their late 30s and early 40s. 


As we relaxed by the lake, our conversation naturally drifted toward health and wellness. 


They started sharing how they felt puffy, and bloated, and were gaining weight, especially around their middle. 

Energy levels were dipping, anxiety was creeping in, and they were experiencing aches and pains that seemed to come out of nowhere. 


Listening to them brought back memories of my own transition into this season of life. 


At 56, I've walked the path they're just beginning to navigate, and it's a journey that many of us are familiar with—welcome to the world of perimenopause.


Embracing Midlife Changes: Navigating Hormonal Shifts After 40

Recognizing Early Signs of Hormonal Belly Fat and What to Do About It


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Love Your Liver In Midlife: Simple Tips To Detox

Aug 14, 2024

MUSIC PROVIDED BY - https://www.purple-planet.com/ 


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As we get older, especially during menopause, our liver can get a bit sluggish.

And when that happens, it can mess with our hormones, cause weight gain, and make us feel generally off. But don't worry! I’m here to share some easy tips that I use myself to keep my liver happy and healthy.


Why a Midlife Liver Detox is Crucial During Menopause

Understanding the Impact of a Sluggish Liver on Hormones and Weight

So, why should we care about our liver, especially now?

Well, as we age and our hormones start to shift, our bodies can begin to store more fat. And when our liver isn't working well, it can’t get rid of the toxins we encounter every day.


These toxins—like the stuff in our skincare products, plastics, and polluted air—end up getting stored in our fat. This can lead to weight gain, slow weight loss, and even more menopausal symptoms.


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The Best and Worst Cardio for Women Over 40

Jul 17, 2024

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We're going to explore the science behind the best and worst types of cardio for us in midlife and beyond. Understanding the right kind of cardio is so important for maintaining our health and fitness, especially as we navigate the changes that come with menopause. So, let’s dive in!


The Role of Hormones in Midlife Fitness

As we hit menopause, our hormones, especially estrogen and testosterone, start to decline. Estrogen is amazing – it helps us build muscle, gives us energy, regulates glucose, aids insulin sensitivity, boosts metabolism, and protects our heart, breasts, and brain. Testosterone also plays a key role but is less prominent in women.


When these hormones drop, we face challenges in muscle building, energy levels, and metabolism. That’s why it’s crucial to tweak our exercise routines during midlife. With estrogen no longer providing its benefits, exercise becomes the stimulus we need to keep our bones...

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Stop Weight Frustration In Midlife For Mind-blowing Breakthrough Results

May 08, 2024

Music provided by https://www.purple-planet.com/ 


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I am so excited to introduce you to Debbie Martin, a friend and fellow Trim Healthy coach.


 She is here today to talk to us about her Trim Healthy and weight loss journey after 50 and with insulin resistance.  


I can't wait to get to all of the good things. First, Debbie will tell us how she stumbled onto the Trim Healthy Way.  


"My name is Debbie Martin. I'm 50 years old. I turned 50 last year and feel so good about it. I am so excited about being 50. I am a mom of five kids. They're not kids anymore; they're all grown, and I've been a wife for 30 years.


I have had trouble with my weight throughout my whole life, and I came across trim healthy way back; I don't remember the exact year, but it was early. I didn't stick with it because I stalled and tried other things, came back to trim healthy, and didn't stick with it again because...

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Had Enough Sleepless Nights? Get Sleep Secrets For Midlife

Apr 17, 2024



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Has sleep been your friend or foe since you hit your perimenopause and menopause years? Maybe you’ve struggled since childhood, or maybe this is a whole new symptom that is messing with you.


I wish I had a magic pill that would give you a solid eight hours every night—shoot, if I did, I’d be the first in line to swallow it! But while you may not find answers right away, there are reasons why you need to keep trying to get more sleep in midlife and ways to support your body during this time.


Sleep can hold the key to not only feeling rejuvenated but also to weight management, hormonal balance, and overall well-being.

Why is Sleep Important?

Midlife introduces many challenges, including sleep, which is primarily driven by hormonal changes. As estrogen levels decline, sleep disturbances become more prevalent, leading to midnight awakenings, racing thoughts, and hormonal...

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5 Fat-Burning Foods Proven To Get You Results

Apr 10, 2024



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One of the most common frustrations I hear from my fellow Trim Healthy Mamas in midlife is the increase in fat around their waist.


Today, I want to share the top 5 foods you can use in your everyday routine that are simple and effective at burning fat and creating an optimal environment for a better, healthier, and faster metabolism. 

Understanding Fat Loss:

But first, let's debunk a common myth right off the bat: you can't spot-reduce belly fat with endless crunches or planks. 



We can target fat loss through smart food choices, exercise, and lifestyle tweaks.


Our goal? Turning our bodies into fat-burning powerhouses.

1. Apple Cider Vinegar:

First up on our fat-burning food list is apple cider vinegar (ACV). Packed with acetic acid, ACV supports digestion and helps regulate blood sugar levels. By incorporating ACV into your routine, you can potentially reduce belly fat and...

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Ultimate Guide to Muscle Building: Tips for Women Over 40

Apr 03, 2024



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I'm going to discuss the importance of building muscle as we age and its relationship to fat loss, overall metabolic health, and longevity.

I've been a personal trainer for over 30 years, and back in the day, there wasn't much emphasis on women and building muscle. There were guidelines, but it wasn't until I became certified as a menopause fitness specialist and discovered the newer science for women in midlife and beyond that I understood how important, if not the most important, things we can be doing.

Importance of Muscle Building

What I'm learning about muscle is that it is our longevity organ. When we start focusing on building muscle rather than losing weight, fat loss will happen.

Notice I'm not saying weight loss because we lose part muscle and part fat when we lose weight. Diets that are quick fixes or calorie deficit cause massive muscle loss touted as weight loss, and that, my friend, for women...

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Journey to Lasting Success: How to Break Free from Weight Loss Excuses

Jan 24, 2024


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Starting a journey towards better health and a transformed lifestyle can be daunting, especially when faced with the challenge of breaking old habits and redefining success. 


For many women in midlife, the pursuit of weight loss and overall well-being often involves numerous attempts, each met with varying degrees of success. 


However, the key lies not in quick fixes but in embracing a sustainable, long-term approach. 


One of my clients, Alice, joins me to talk about her weight loss journey after menopause, highlighting the power of the Feminine Freedom Program (FFP) and the mindset shifts that can lead to lasting change.


“I never really felt successful; I never really gained success. I'm thinking most likely, because of the tweaks in lifestyle, I did improve eating habits, but not life-changing habits. So that was...

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