Unlock Symptom Relief with Bioidentical Hormone Therapy in Perimenopause

Jul 10, 2024

MUSIC PROVIDED BY - https://www.purple-planet.com/ 

Apple Podcast - Spotify


Navigating perimenopause can feel like a wild roller coaster ride, right? 

The hot flashes, the mood swings, the sleepless nights—it can be a lot. Today, I want to chat about something that has been a total game-changer for me: bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT). I want to share with you how BHRT can bring some much-needed relief during perimenopause and why it’s worth considering.


Understanding Perimenopause and Its Symptoms

So, what exactly is perimenopause? 

It’s that lovely transition period before menopause when our hormones start to go haywire. You might be feeling more anxious, dealing with bouts of depression, constantly exhausted, and not sleeping well. These symptoms can really mess with your daily life, and finding ways to manage them is super important.


What is Bioidentical Hormone Therapy?

Bioidentical hormones are...

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How to Survive Crazy Hormones and Reclaim Menopause Life

Sep 06, 2023

Music provided by: https://www.purple-planet.com/ 


Apple Podcast - Spotify


If you are in midlife, perimenopause, menopause, or postmenopause, and you've said this to yourself, “I feel like I'm going crazy.”

You are not alone.


Let me tell you about a lady, just like you, I’ll call her Eleanor. 

Eleanor prided herself on her ability to handle life's ups and downs with grace. 

But as she entered her late forties, something inside began to shift. It started with subtle changes, forgetting where she placed her car keys, struggling to concentrate on reading a book, and things like that. 

However, over time, the lapses became more frequent.

One evening while she was cooking dinner, she couldn't remember the recipe for her signature pasta dish. The dish she’d made hundreds of times. Frustration boiled within her and tears rolled up unexpectedly. She felt like she was losing control. Her best friend, Tina, noticed the changes...

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Top 4 Hormones affecting weight loss in menopause

Dec 20, 2022


I remember feeling anything but sane around the age of 40 when I suddenly started to gain belly fat.


What made it worse was even though I was faithfully eating on the Trim Healthy Mama plan, I was also experiencing:

>> Low-level anxiety 

>> Lack of motivation

>> Low libido (no libido)

And having sleepless nights AGAIN- after all those sleepless nights with 9 babies. 


My cycle was regular but my moods were unpredictable.


Brain fog set in as did some depression.


So, I went to my Gynecologist with my complaints and she gave me two options: the pill or an antidepressant.


And then she said this could last up to 10 years!! 


I wasn’t willing to try either of these.

There had to be a better way.


I started researching and ended up joining a life coaching school that was teaching people how to “get control of their life and start creating the results they wanted”.


I learned...

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