The Best and Worst Cardio for Women Over 40

Jul 17, 2024

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We're going to explore the science behind the best and worst types of cardio for us in midlife and beyond. Understanding the right kind of cardio is so important for maintaining our health and fitness, especially as we navigate the changes that come with menopause. So, let’s dive in!


The Role of Hormones in Midlife Fitness

As we hit menopause, our hormones, especially estrogen and testosterone, start to decline. Estrogen is amazing – it helps us build muscle, gives us energy, regulates glucose, aids insulin sensitivity, boosts metabolism, and protects our heart, breasts, and brain. Testosterone also plays a key role but is less prominent in women.


When these hormones drop, we face challenges in muscle building, energy levels, and metabolism. That’s why it’s crucial to tweak our exercise routines during midlife. With estrogen no longer providing its benefits, exercise becomes the stimulus we need to keep our bones...

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Ultimate Guide to Muscle Building: Tips for Women Over 40

Apr 03, 2024 


Apple Podcast - Spotify


I'm going to discuss the importance of building muscle as we age and its relationship to fat loss, overall metabolic health, and longevity.

I've been a personal trainer for over 30 years, and back in the day, there wasn't much emphasis on women and building muscle. There were guidelines, but it wasn't until I became certified as a menopause fitness specialist and discovered the newer science for women in midlife and beyond that I understood how important, if not the most important, things we can be doing.

Importance of Muscle Building

What I'm learning about muscle is that it is our longevity organ. When we start focusing on building muscle rather than losing weight, fat loss will happen.

Notice I'm not saying weight loss because we lose part muscle and part fat when we lose weight. Diets that are quick fixes or calorie deficit cause massive muscle loss touted as weight loss, and that, my friend, for women...

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The Truth about Why Protein Is Your Secret Weapon in Menopause

Sep 27, 2023

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Life takes an interesting turn as we hit midlife, especially for women in menopause. It's like solving a complex puzzle, and there's a crucial piece that can make things better: protein


In this post, we'll explore why protein is so important during midlife, especially in menopause. We'll also discover how Trim Healthy Mama can be a fantastic support during this time.


The Role of Protein in Midlife

Why Muscles Matter


Protein is going to help feed, build, and maintain your muscles. 


Declining metabolism due to muscle loss is a big reason we see weight gain, especially in the belly. Think of your metabolism like a furnace, and muscles are the wood that keeps it burning bright. Muscle plays a significant role in our body's metabolic...

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The Midlife Routine: How to Incorporate Strength Training into Your Busy Schedule

May 10, 2023

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Is exercise in midlife really all that important?

Would you rather be doing just about anything other than exercising?

After all, the extra time and an open schedule can be challenging.


I get it.

The truth is, yes, exercise is important enough for you to prioritize.
But not the exercise you are thinking of.

Getting older has loads of great benefits, but choosing not to include exercise and include daily movement in your schedule may set you up for health issues that are better avoided.


Exercise in midlife is necessary for longevity, health and will help you build strong muscles to maintain your independence as you age. 


And as added benefit doing the proper exercise gets your body in metabolism-boosting & fat-burning mode fast.



I have great news for you and some myths to bust. 


It's time to hang...

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Tackling Menopause Belly Fat with Exercise: A Guide to Strength Training, Workouts and daily Movement

Apr 12, 2023

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Wouldn't life be simpler if losing weight was actually a calorie-in/calories-out math equation? But in reality, eating less and exercising more does not guarantee you lose belly fat. And as you get older, it can create the opposite and cause you to increase in weight and inches instead. So, let's get this figured out. In menopause, your body needs supported hormones and strategic exercising to burn fat faster without burning you out.


A few decades ago, cardio was all the rage. Women couldn't get enough of it and thought this was the magic pill to weight loss. We now have the research to prove this is not true, and excessive cardio is not beneficial for women at any age. But in menopause, you for sure do not need more cardio. 

Let's also clear up the confusion around cardiovascular disease and cardio exercise. Doing one doesn't negate the other. The cause of...

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