It's Time To Make Remarkable Weight Loss Results Last.

Easily Make Yo-yo Dieting A Thing Of The Past.


You can sustain a healthy weight, find food freedom

and experience vibrant health.  


Save your Spot on the Waitlist!

It's Time To Make Remarkable Weight Loss Results Last.

Easily Make Yo-yo Dieting A Thing Of The Past.


You can sustain a healthy weight, find food freedom

and experience vibrant health.  


Join GYTO Tribe Membership Now

Are You struggling to lose weight or keep it off...

Do you feel hopeless, like you will never get the excess weight off and keep it off?
Do you struggle with negative thought patterns that keep you on again and off again?
Do you feel overwhelmed and confused when thinking about starting Trim Healthy Mama?

Whether you are just getting started with Trim Healthy Mama a veteran, or somewhere in between, this is your tribe!

Are you stuck in your Trim Healthy weight loss journey now that you’ve hit menopause?


Discover the keys to unlock your fat-burning potential - even in your midlife season.


In Tribe, You Will


🖥️Get monthly training from Coach Kris so you can boost fat loss in midlife.


🍽️Hormone-friendly Trim Healthy Mama Menus so you can lose even the most stubborn weight. 


⚒️An all-access pass to curated resources and tools in the TRIBE membership content at


🎓LIVE Q&A sessions with Coach Kris each month so you get realtime solutions to your everyday problems.


✨A supportive Facebook community full of like-minded people to ask questions and share wins.
📱Connect with other women in Marco Polo groups made just for you!


Get on the Waitlist Today!

Here's what our Tribe members are saying...

I began my Trim Healthy Journey in 2019, but I didn't really start to see changes until I joined Get Your Trim On with Coach Kris in April of 2022.

It took 4 months to reduce the inflammation before I saw any weight loss.

I also was having 16+ migraines a month. These migraines caused me to take early retirement from teaching.

Mindset through my morning devotions, goal setting, along with how Kris encourages the THM way to make food choices and adding in exercise for the wise woman stage of life, have helped me lose 70 pounds, my belly fat is gone, my tummy is flat, and my migraines are only 1-2 per month!

I also went from having barely enough strength to open a salsa jar to being able to exercise moderately every day!!!!

Kelly Gardner

In January 2022 I felt absolutely horrible!

I was soooo tired and felt like staying in bed all the time.

My body ached and my joints hurt.

I had had enough and knew I needed to do something drastic...

I joined GYTO.

I soaked in everything and worked so hard.

I was focused. My health didn’t change overnight but it did start to change.

The peri-menopause weight that I had sadly accepted started to come off.

The achiness went away.

My joints started feeling better.

Now 8 months later I can’t believe how much better I feel!

Christine Masters

 I am thankful for before and after pictures and measurements because my mind gets blinded and I can't "see" the weight loss, every time I look back and do the collages and measurements I am amazed at the difference and my mindset gets reset!

Mindset is such a huge part of choices and progress.

One more thing, the accountability of checking in every day has helped me so much...making myself write out and reflect on what I ate the day before AND knowing when I am eating I will be accountable for it.

I encourage you to make the choice to be accountable!

Jennifer Anne Booth

Down 11.8lbs and 17ins

I'm down 3 inches in my waist.
I lost 1/2 inch in my waist.
Down 2 pounds and 4 inches.
I’ve lost 3 pounds!!!!
I’ve eaten more E meals.
The scale & tape are finally showing some progress! I'm learning so much about this season of life (67yo).


I finally reached one-derland!!! Monthly measurements this weekend. THANK YOU!

Tribe Membership will give you the vital steps to burn belly fat during menopause.


Learn the latest research and scientific evidence behind menopause and weight loss.



Get daily exercises and learn how to preserve your muscle mass and keep your metabolism revved up.



Learn the vital reasons you can't lose and how to get unstuck and start losing weight.


Let me know when TRIBE enrollment is OPEN!

>> Join Tribe - your Trim Healthy community for women in midlife


>> Get your Monthly Plan - your midlife framework for weight loss


>> Start losing weight - get strategic coaching so you can unlock weight loss in menopause and beyond!

How It Works


Support Group

As part of the group coaching program, you'll receive exclusive access to a closed Facebook group where you will find posts such as daily prompts, live videos, challenges, inspirational quotes, recipes, daily accountability check-ins, and before/after success stories.  Plus you'll be part of a close community of women to support and encourage you every step of the way through your journey.

Get Your Trim On Tribe Portal

The Members Portal is an additional resource to aid you in your coaching journey. It allows our community to build and share menus together, teach and review vital topics, and streamline your weight loss success! 

Meal Planning

Members of the group will also have access to THM menu templates so that we can build your menu together. 

Bi-Weekly Group Zoom Calls

During the bi-weekly group zoom calls, I'll work in partnership with you to teach you the THM plan, provide accountability, and help you set, achieve, and sustain your wellness goals.  

Enrollment OPEN





  • Get complete access to Tribe Membership for $47 per month
  • Facebook Community
  • Membership Portal
  • Menu Planning Templates
  • Twice-monthly live Q&A with Coach Kris
  • LIVE workout on Zoom
  • BONUS mindset training




Pay Every Quarter

  • Get complete access to group coaching for 10% off the FULL PRICE
  • Facebook Community
  • Membership Portal
  • Menu Planning Templates
  • Twice-monthly live Q&A with Coach Kris
  • LIVE workout on Zoom
  • BONUS mindset training




Best Deal!

  • Get complete access to Tribe Membership 20% OFF the Full Price!
  • Facebook Community
  • Membership Portal
  • Menu Planning Templates
  • Facebook Live Q&A
  • Monthly Topical Masterclass
  • LIVE workout on Zoom
  • BONUS mindset training. 


But fair warning, Tribe Membership is not for everyone.

Tribe is not for you if...

❌ You're looking for a quick weight loss plan.

 You're looking for a diet instead of a lifestyle. 

❌ You don’t want to bother with managing your mind and its negative sabotaging thoughts.

❌You don't have the time it takes to menu plan, do challenges, and participate in the Facebook Live chats.


  As a THM success story and the Certified THM Head Coach, I can help you achieve lasting results by providing you with the support and accountability you need to stay on track. 

Claim Your Spot in Tribe Membership Today!

Join Today


Just $47 monthly


✅ Get complete access to Tribe Membership
✅ Facebook Community
✅ Membership Portal
✅ Menu Planning Templates
✅ Live Q&A on Zoom
✅ Monthly Topical Masterclass
✅ LIVE workout on Zoom
✅ plus BONUS mindset training


All with Coach Kris Honeycutt


**As soon as you join, you’ll get access to our private membership site so you can get ready for your month.
Cancel Anytime.


Get on the Waitlist ➡️

Hey friend,

Are you feeling as frustrated and stuck as I once did in your journey to lose weight during perimenopause and menopause? I totally get it. It can be overwhelming trying to figure out what works for your changing body amidst all the conflicting advice out there.

But guess what? You're not alone, and you're definitely not going crazy. I've been right where you are, battling with excess midlife belly fat and feeling like nothing I did was making a difference.


That's why I'm writing you. At Get Your Trim On, I've made it my mission to help women like us navigate midlife with confidence and reclaim our health and strength.


Midlife isn’t about suffering—it's about growth and opportunity. And together, we can seize that opportunity and build a healthier, stronger version of ourselves.


I've developed a personalized midlife framework specifically designed to target stubborn belly fat, so you can finally feel healthy, lose weight, and regain your confidence.


Here's what we'll do:

  1. Get clear on how to eat for midlife: Let's cut through the confusion and create a plan that works for your unique needs and hormones.
  2. Tailor Trim Healthy for your menopause season: We'll tweak the Trim Healthy plan to fit seamlessly into your life during perimenopause and menopause, so you can see real results without feeling deprived.
  3. Address key lifestyle factors: We'll tackle important lifestyle factors like sleep, stress management, and exercise to optimize your weight loss and overall well-being.
I'd love for you to join our Tribe membership, where you'll find ongoing support, guidance, and encouragement from me and our community of like-minded women who are on this journey with you.

In the meantime… 

start visualizing the confident, vibrant woman you want to become. 

Imagine slipping into clothes that fit just right, feeling energized throughout your day, and knowing that every bite you take is supporting your body's needs.


Together, we can conquer the challenges of midlife and emerge stronger and healthier than ever before.

Looking forward to supporting you on this journey,

Coach Kris

Trim Healthy Head Coach


Would you prefer a more personalized coaching experience with lots of support?


Apply to see if the 6-month Feminine Freedom Path is right for you.
Explore Feminine Freedom Path>