Unlock these 4 Natural Ways To Treat Menopause

Jun 28, 2023

Music provided by: https://www.purple-planet.com/ 


Apple Podcast - Spotify

 (Affiliate links below: I may earn a small commission or free product from purchases made using links)


Is hormone replacement therapy for every woman? 

Aren't there more "natural" options? 

The answer is yes, and yes. 

Some women are not good candidates for hormone replacement therapy or aren't comfortable taking it; this might be due to a lack of education about the safety and protective benefits or availability.

But that doesn't mean you can't reduce or eliminate suffering from hormonal symptoms during menopause. You still have a lot to say about how you feel by implementing four ways to treat menopause. 


But you won't get the protective benefits when you're not using bioidentical hormone therapy. Bioidentical hormone therapy can help treat menopause symptoms, providing protective benefits to you. 

Menopause is a natural biological process. It marks...

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3 Proven Ways To Stop A Hormone Meltdown

Jun 21, 2023

 Music provided by: https://www.purple-planet.com/



If losing weight in your 40s were as easy as "calories in, calories out," then I would be out of a job. 


But sadly, it just isn't that easy. 


In fact, you can almost throw out every "diet" plan you've ever tried or heard about because it won't help you lose weight in midlife. In fact, it might do the opposite and cause your body to keep more weight instead. 


It's time to understand how to best support your body with nutrition during perimenopause and menopause and get tools to get through it quickly. 


Right now, you may be in your late 30s or early 40s and wondering why you're experiencing changes in your body that you never had before. You may be moody, anxious, have irregular periods, or have hot flashes. You probably find weight loss more difficult and notice your waistline expanding no matter what you do. These are all common symptoms of perimenopause. Or, you...

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Unexpected Reasons you need Hormone Therapy to feel Great

Jun 14, 2023


Music provided by: https://www.purple-planet.com/ 


Apple Podcast - Spotify


Disclaimer- The contents of this guide are for informational purposes only and are not a substitute for professional medical advice. None of the recommendations, suggestions, or written information provided is intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified healthcare professional. The information presented is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease but rather as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of Jill Chmielewski, RN, BSN. You are encouraged to make your own healthcare decisions based on your research and partnership with a qualified healthcare professional of your choosing.
(This post contains affiliate links, and I may receive a commission from purchases made through these links)



What's the big deal about Hormone Replacement Therapy?


There have been a lot of myths...

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9 Perimenopause Weight Loss Tips: Thyroid management

May 31, 2023


Music provided by: https://www.purple-planet.com/ 

Apple Podcast - Spotify


I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's in my 30's. 


This diagnosis made many of my random and frustrating symptoms make more sense. 


And it set me on a deep-dive journey to figure out how important the thyroid is and how it affects my health and hormones.


Understanding the connection between your endocrine and reproductive system is a game-changer. Your body is a whole component working together to keep you alive, healthy, and energetic. But when hormones start getting out of balance and shifting, it can cause dramatic results. Changing hormones doesn't mean you are at the mercy of crazy and frustrating symptoms. Let's discuss the importance of knowing your thyroid numbers, getting optimized, and ways to mitigate common symptoms.


What is the connection between perimenopause symptoms and the thyroid?

The thyroid is key to health. It is part of your Endocrine...

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Overcoming Setbacks on Your Weight Loss Journey: Lessons from Anne

Apr 26, 2023


Music provided by: https://www.purple-planet.com/ 


Apple Podcast - Spotify


Impossible goals are. the. worst. 


And Anne felt like her health and weight loss goals were…impossible. 


She couldn't stick to the Trim Healthy Mama plan long enough to get traction. So…how was she supposed to find success in health and weight loss?


Hopeless and feeling like she was shoveling snow in a blizzard (she would know, she lives in Canada) - Anne kept trying. Eating on plan but falling off as soon as "life" happened. 


"I did not believe I would be able to find success for my health and weight loss. It seemed completely unmanageable." - Anne


One day, she reached out to me after a mutual friend recommended Feminine Freedom Path, my 6-month Coaching program. 


Her hormone and weight loss struggles made her a great candidate for Feminine Freedom Path. Years of blaming and shaming her lack of commitment...

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Menopause, Hormones & Belly Fat: Your Guide to a Leaner, Stronger Body

Apr 05, 2023

Music provided by: https://www.purple-planet.com/ 

Apple Podcast - Spotify


If there's one thing I get asked about by women in the midlife season, it's "How do I get rid of belly fat?" 

I had the same question just a few years ago, and getting the answer was challenging. But thanks to the Trim Healthy eating plan, we have a shortcut to increase belly fat loss without deprivation and dieting.

Today on the podcast, I'll show you a few fundamental changes to make to your meal plan in menopause so you can reduce belly fat and feel better. It's like Trim Healthy Mama 2.0. The same basic principles of protein-centered meals but with a strong focus on your E (energizing) meals over your S (satisfying) meals. Because of declining hormones over 50 and sometimes younger, you need to fuel differently. You need fuel to turn on fat-burning, and as your hormones change, your fueling needs to change too. You can lose the extra belly fat, but you'll need to understand the hormones...

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Energy Boosting Bundle

Jan 24, 2023
This post contains affiliate links to products. I may receive a commission for purchases made through these links.


Stock up on these Energy boosting items while they are on sale!


The GuateMama Java coffee is bursting with antioxidants and will give you that gentle boost you need in the morning without contaminants of mold or fungus. This amazing coffee is also certified organic.

Integral Collagen soothes your nervous system and aids in supporting your digestive system. What a great way to start your morning by adding this to your coffee.

Energy in the afternoon can be sadly lacking but when you sip on a cup of oolong you will receive a gentle energy lift while shrinking your fat cells.

Sale prices are good until Thursday, January 26th at midnight.

Shop for your bundle at these great prices. 


Did you know that the majority of disease begins with inflammation and hormone imbalance within the body?

A great way to combat that inflammation is by...

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