Unlock Your Power: Decision-Making Magic for Women Over 40!

Mar 06, 2024



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The Power of Decisions: A Guide for Women Over 40


Unlocking Success Through Decisiveness

In a world filled with health and wellness aspirations, many women over 40 find themselves yearning for powerful results. 


However, "one of the number one things that keeps my clients from getting results" is often the lack of a firm decision-making foundation. 


Today, let's dive into the strategies to help women over 40 make decisive choices and persistently pursue their health and wellness goals.

The Crucial Role of Quality Decisions

Making a quality decision is the cornerstone of success in any journey: weight loss, hormone support, or overall well-being. 


You are 80% more likely to succeed at your efforts when you make that quality decision, but be warned, you need to make this decision often, sometimes daily.


To overcome this hurdle, create a checklist:

  • ...
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Nourishing Wellness: Amy's Surprising Journey To A Healthier Life

Feb 28, 2024



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I'm thrilled to have a very special guest, a dear friend, and a fellow Trim Healthy coach with many exciting things on her plate. Before we jump into the richness of our discussion, let's warmly welcome Coach Amy. She's here to share her insights, experiences, and, undoubtedly, a treasure trove of wisdom for all of us.


Amy's Trim Healthy Journey Unveiled

I'm Amy Gaskin, and my roots are in Southwest Mississippi. Trim Healthy has been my companion for seven years, reshaping my life in more ways than I can express.


Married almost 23 years to Wes, we're navigating life's adventures with our five incredible kids. The oldest, nearly 19, is at college, while the next one plans to graduate high school a year early - a significant achievement for them. Our household is an interesting mix, with adopted kids playing baseball and the older ones passionate about dancing.


In a challenging phase...

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What Happens When Hormones Go Crazy? Better Strategies For Women Part 2

Feb 21, 2024

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Let’s unlock the puzzle and confusion hormones can cause and dive into the actionable strategies you need after 50 to support your hormones, fuel your fat-burning journey, and navigate the twists of menopause. 


This isn't just about weight loss; it's a common-sense approach to living your best second half-life. 


The Hormonal Impact of White Sugar, White Flour, and Seed Oils: A Menopause Menace

It's not just about what you eat; it's about what you avoid. 


White sugar, white flour, and seed oils can wreak havoc on your hormones. They trigger weight gain, mess with cholesterol, and throw blood sugar off balance. Choose nutrient-dense Whole Foods, with lots of plant options. 


Prioritize gut health with prebiotics and probiotics, focusing on vegetables,...

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What Happens When Hormones Go Crazy? Better Strategies For Women

Feb 14, 2024



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Thriving Through Menopause

Challenges in menopause can feel like putting together a jigsaw puzzle with pieces missing. And figuring out what your body needs is often daunting and requires understanding and tailored strategies.  


Hormonal Challenges and Solutions

In menopause, our hormones, specifically estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone, undergo significant changes. And one of the primary challenges women face in menopause is unexpected weight gain, particularly around the abdomen. Declining estrogen levels play a crucial role in fat storage, which affects body composition. However, new studies show that building muscle is a powerful tool in navigating this weight gain and boosting metabolism.

 "Estrogen helps regulate metabolism and body fat distribution and, believe it or not, muscle building."


The Role of Insulin in Menopausal Weight Management

Now, let's talk about...

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Balancing Act: Work, Life, and Menopause Survival Strategies

Feb 07, 2024



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Personal Journey and Menopause

Today, I'm going to talk about a personal journey. I won't be following any notes or trying to teach anything specific. I invite you to sit back and listen; you might find echoes of your own story in mine. I'm currently navigating my midlife season at 55, experiencing menopause. Throughout my life, I've often powered through challenges, but now I've realized the importance of listening to my body, especially during this less resilient phase.


Family Crisis and Impact on Well-being

Midway through last year, we faced a family crisis. My son was struggling with a mental illness, leading to sleep disturbances, increased stress, and challenges in maintaining overall well-being. Despite various efforts, including medical support and addressing hormonal imbalances, my energy levels plummeted, and my nervous system remained highly sensitive.


Navigating Challenges and...

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How To Navigate Disappointment In Your Health Journey Setbacks

Jan 31, 2024



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Life often brings disappointments, and today, I'm sharing my personal experience, particularly in the context of my health journey and recent Masterclass training. Disappointment is a common companion in our pursuits, whether it's achieving goals or navigating the challenges of a weight loss and health journey.


Understand Disappointment: It’s a 50/50 Reality

Disappointment is a universal part of life—a delicate balance between setbacks and successes, rejection and approval. We seldom discuss how to navigate and move through disappointment effectively. In my journey and with my clients, disappointment is a recurring theme, often rooted in unmet weight loss expectations.

Getting Real: My Disappointments

I'm getting personal today, sharing my disappointment with my latest master class. The first one didn't go as planned, and the recent experience has left me introspective. My goal is...

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Journey to Lasting Success: How to Break Free from Weight Loss Excuses

Jan 24, 2024


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Starting a journey towards better health and a transformed lifestyle can be daunting, especially when faced with the challenge of breaking old habits and redefining success. 


For many women in midlife, the pursuit of weight loss and overall well-being often involves numerous attempts, each met with varying degrees of success. 


However, the key lies not in quick fixes but in embracing a sustainable, long-term approach. 


One of my clients, Alice, joins me to talk about her weight loss journey after menopause, highlighting the power of the Feminine Freedom Program (FFP) and the mindset shifts that can lead to lasting change.


“I never really felt successful; I never really gained success. I'm thinking most likely, because of the tweaks in lifestyle, I did improve eating habits, but not life-changing habits. So that was...

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From Perfectionism to Progress: Get Free from Weight Loss Pitfalls

Jan 17, 2024



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I want to talk about something that might raise an eyebrow or two – planning for failure. 


I can almost hear you saying, "Coach Kris, why on earth would I want to plan for failure? Isn't that counterproductive?"


Well, stick with me, and let's unpack why it's not just okay but crucial in our journey to wellness.


The Mindset Shift: Redefining Failure

Often, the fear of failure looms large when we start on a wellness journey. 


We question if we can truly show up for ourselves, especially when past attempts have left us feeling defeated. 


But what if we shifted our mindset and saw failure not as a dead-end but as a stepping stone? 


While talking to women in midlife, I often encounter the unspoken fear of failure. 


There is uncertainty if this time will be any different. 


Here's the thing – we need to...

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Simplifying Success: How to avoid Meal planning mistakes

Jan 10, 2024



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Ready to be bored to tears?

At least, I feel like you may be, but in the vein of staying real and showing you how to eat to lose weight in midlife….and keep it off.

Here’s a day in the life of my meals.


I am living proof that simple, boring systems do well to bring joy to your daily meals. Let’s explore the art of simplifying your meals so you are successful in midlife, lose extra weight, and boost your health to feel well. I’ll show you how to use practical strategies and keep meals simple yet incredibly satisfying.


The Power of Systems Over Goals

Picture this: a life where making healthy choices becomes second nature. It all starts with the realization that systems trump goals. Setting a goal is excellent, but without a system, reaching it can be a challenge. Years ago, I worked to build a habit of creating healthy yet easy meals for my family and myself. And I...

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How To Manage Weight Loss Expectations For The Best Midlife

Jan 03, 2024


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Weight loss in midlife and beyond requires a new approach to see the results you are hoping for. Whether those results are less weight, fewer inches around your middle, more energy, or increased health and wellness, you must strap on some extra patience and set up your expectations more carefully than when you were younger.


There is a good possibility that you have hurdles and life situations making it hard to take care of yourself. You might feel confused and discouraged about why your body gains weight over 40 even though you are actively trying to lose.


Getting your expectations to align with your new reality is key to maintaining a positive commitment and engagement to meet your weight loss goals once you hit your 40s.


Expectations in midlife set you up for failure or success

I spent years reading and referring back to my "manual of expectations." I had a marriage, homeschooling,...

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