Defying Myths: How to Lose Weight in Menopause and Keep It Off

Oct 18, 2023

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 Trim Healthy Mama for Ladies Over 50

Menopause and midlife bring a unique set of challenges, and one of the most common and frustrating among them is the issue of weight gain. You're not alone in this struggle; many women like you are experiencing the same thing. But the good news is, I’m here to debunk some of the myths and provide you with effective solutions to help you navigate this transformative phase of life.


Myth Debunking

Menopause Isn't a Sudden Event

One common misconception is that menopause happens suddenly. All of a sudden, everything changes, right? Well, not exactly. Menopause is more of a gradual process, stretching over several years. It typically begins with perimenopause, which can start as early as your late 30s. So, if you're thinking everything happened suddenly, think again.


Menopause Affects More Than Just Your Body

Menopause is not...

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Ditch the Midlife Blues - Conquer Menopause Symptoms and Drop Pounds

Oct 11, 2023

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Let’s learn how to stop the crazy menopausal symptoms so you can feel good in midlife.


Today on the Honeycast I want to bring you good news. 


You can take a few very important steps and dial in the best ways to support your body. But first I want to acknowledge that the suffering is REAL. Hormonal changes and their accompanying symptoms are a part of life and are natural but it doesn’t mean you need to suffer or “get over it.” 


Even though your hormones are declining you can fix the symptoms that often come with those shifts. You can get the right nutrition and fuel, and you can exercise in a way that turns on fat-burning without tanking your adrenals.


Not everything I’m sharing with you here today is coming directly from Trim Healthy Mama or Pearl & Serene. Hours of personal research and research for clients as well...

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Unlock Your Best Midlife: Defy Menopause Myths and Embrace Health

Oct 04, 2023

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Journey to Midlife Wellness: Challenges and Insights

It took me years to figure things out and can I just say, today’s way of dealing with menopause has not been very helpful to me. 


My goal is to make walking through this midlife season accessible and helpful to you. Especially if you are trying to lose weight instead of gain and the menopause hormonal symptoms are taking over your life. 


My desire is for you to show up well, be strong, and have hope. 


Your midlife can be a new beginning. 


Personal training and women’s health has been my passion for several years.

At first, when I started my Trim Healthy journey I wasn’t looking into hormones or anything like that. I just wanted to lose the last few pounds and stop the dieting roller coaster. I wanted to be healthy and feel better. 

Confronting Health Crisis:...

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The Truth about Why Protein Is Your Secret Weapon in Menopause

Sep 27, 2023

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Life takes an interesting turn as we hit midlife, especially for women in menopause. It's like solving a complex puzzle, and there's a crucial piece that can make things better: protein


In this post, we'll explore why protein is so important during midlife, especially in menopause. We'll also discover how Trim Healthy Mama can be a fantastic support during this time.


The Role of Protein in Midlife

Why Muscles Matter


Protein is going to help feed, build, and maintain your muscles. 


Declining metabolism due to muscle loss is a big reason we see weight gain, especially in the belly. Think of your metabolism like a furnace, and muscles are the wood that keeps it burning bright. Muscle plays a significant role in our body's metabolic...

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3 Reasons Trim Healthy Wonā€™t Work in Midlife

Sep 20, 2023

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Midlife Challenges in Your Trim Healthy Journey

Back in 2012 a couple of my “besties,” Serene and Pearl, searched for answers to sustainable weight loss for women. As they figured out the best ways to fuel with foods for fat loss, I joined their plan and together we lost weight and regained our health. 

The plan (Trim Healthy Mama) they laid out for weight loss is excellent and works for women of all ages but as I’ve moved into my midlife years I’ve learned to make a few tweaks to the basic Trim Healthy plan to make weight loss easier with hormonal changes.

A key concept we often overlook in midlife is to eat plenty of protein. Protein is a key pillar of the Trim Healthy plan and continues to be of utmost importance through your...

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How Hormones Impact Body Shape During Menopause

Sep 13, 2023

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If you're over 50 and wondering, "What's happening to my body?" don't fret! We're diving into the incredible journey of menopause body changes. It's time to embrace your best shape and feel fabulous. Buckle up for a quick tour through the seasons of womanhood.


Menopause Body Shape Changes: A Natural Part of Life

What is Perimenopause, Menopause, and Postmenopause?

Let's start by breaking down these terms, readers. Perimenopause, menopause, and postmenopause are like the chapters of your life's novel. They come with their own set of quirks and adventures. 


Perimenopause - The Prelude to Change

During perimenopause, which can start in your 40s, hormones like estrogen and progesterone start playing their own tune in your body. It's not unusual to experience irregular periods, mood swings, and, you guessed it, changes in your body shape. 

Menopause - The Main Act...

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How to Survive Crazy Hormones and Reclaim Menopause Life

Sep 06, 2023

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If you are in midlife, perimenopause, menopause, or postmenopause, and you've said this to yourself, “I feel like I'm going crazy.”

You are not alone.


Let me tell you about a lady, just like you, I’ll call her Eleanor. 

Eleanor prided herself on her ability to handle life's ups and downs with grace. 

But as she entered her late forties, something inside began to shift. It started with subtle changes, forgetting where she placed her car keys, struggling to concentrate on reading a book, and things like that. 

However, over time, the lapses became more frequent.

One evening while she was cooking dinner, she couldn't remember the recipe for her signature pasta dish. The dish she’d made hundreds of times. Frustration boiled within her and tears rolled up unexpectedly. She felt like she was losing control. Her best friend, Tina, noticed the changes...

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The Truth about Midlife Moodiness and Ways to Feel Better

Aug 30, 2023

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Midlife Moodiness and Ways to Feel Better During Menopause


Welcome to our heart-to-heart about the link between midlife, menopause, and those unexpected mood swings. Let's walk this journey together, seeking understanding and uncovering the right strategies to support our overall well-being.


Understanding the Midlife Mood Shift

When we think about menopause, the first thoughts often revolve around physical changes. However, the mood fluctuations are just as real and sometimes even more daunting.


The Science Behind Menopause and Moodiness

The Hormonal Roller Coaster

Firstly, it's crucial to grasp the role hormones play in these changes. As we venture into midlife, declining hormones can result in heightened risks of anxiety, depression, and mood-related issues. Here's a snapshot of the hormone impact:

Estradiol: Fluctuates during menopause and perimenopause.


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How to Stop Lying to Yourself and Start Losing Weight

Aug 23, 2023

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Harnessing the Power of Mindset for Weight Loss in Midlife

Midlife can bring about a host of challenges, but perhaps one of the most pervasive is the struggle with weight. With age, our metabolism slows down, and the routines we've stuck with for decades might not serve us anymore. But the journey to health isn’t just about the physical. It’s a mental challenge. If you’ve been lying to yourself about why can't lose weight or why Trim Healthy Mama won't work for you, now is the time to change your narrative. Let's dive into how you can cultivate a mindset for weight loss in midlife, one that is honest, encouraging, and transformative.


The Pitfalls of Self-Deception

Sometimes, the biggest lies we tell are the ones we tell ourselves. These lies might include:

"I'm too old to change."

"This is just how my body is now."

"I've tried everything; nothing works for...

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Mastering Menopause: Mindset, Meals, and Movement for the Modern Woman

Aug 16, 2023

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Are you navigating the twists and turns of menopause symptoms while trying to stay on track with your weight loss journey? 

Believe me, you’re not alone. 

So many women, as they approach midlife, struggle with hormonal changes, which can make weight loss seem even more challenging. 

As a Trim Healthy Mama coach who focuses on helping women in menopause & perimenopause, I’m here to guide you through some tried-and-true techniques to face these challenges head-on.


Power of Your Mindset in Menopause

Remember the time when sticking to a health plan seemed effortless? And whatever you were doing, exercise or calorie counting, got you the results you were striving to get?

Times change, and so do our bodies and circumstances. 

The thought, "it's just too hard right now," creates feelings of defeat. 

But our mindset, and our thoughts, have...

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