Minimize Menopause Symptoms

Dec 27, 2022


What if you could love your menopausal body no matter what?


What if you knew that the symptoms you experience are just part of the menopause transition and they are taking you to a better place?


You do not have to be a victim to hormonal changes and crazy symptoms. You can have relief through this transition and support your body well while you manage your hormones. 


Symptoms during menopause like joint pain, aches, hot flashes and trouble sleeping are usually temporary. But the better you treat yourself, the better you are going to feel.


When you were younger you could push self-care to the bottom of your priority list. That is no longer the case! Punishment & deprivation are out. Neglect of your needs and desires has had its day. This season is a time for you to love on your body.


Choose to make peace with your body during menopause. Understand that your body is changing and needs support and care not anger and frustration. Treat your body with the care it deserves.


After the age of 40, your resiliency for life and craziness is decreased. It’s time for you to gain a measure of control over your schedule. When you allow your schedule and outward circumstances to control you, you will see your cortisol levels increase, your insulin skyrocket and your blood sugars get out of whack. This imbalance in your life will cause a host of physical, emotional and mental issues that will take a toll on your health and well-being. You may see this as extra weight gain, trouble losing weight, increased belly fat and more fatigue.


Addressing key areas of your life will move the needle back towards weight loss and increased energy.


First, you must treat yourself well. No more pushing through. Choose to rearrange your life and your schedule so you're not running at max capacity. 


Next, move your body daily. Everyday movement is essential to your stress reduction and your energy levels. Start by walking 5,000-10,000 steps every day. Be intentional, take the stairs, get outside, park further from your workplace or the store. Everyday movement won’t affect your weight loss significantly but the lack of this movement is part of the reason why you have gained weight. After the age of 40 your estrogen levels drop which may cause your cortisol levels to rise, especially if you are not moving as much.


Now that you are being kind to your menopausal body and moving with intention let's look at incorporating smart exercise. Exercising for the 50 plus body looks a bit different. Mostly because you need more recovery time and strength training is of paramount importance. Gone are the days of doing loads of cardio. You will instead focus on moderate amounts of exercise of higher intensity and choose weight training twice a week. Over exercising will cause your cortisol levels to increase but doing the right amount of exercise at the right time is key for weight loss during menopause. Along with the right exercise is the rest in between. You will allow 72 hours between your weight training to give your body time for rest and restoration. 


To encourage your body to release weight during menopause and beyond you will choose lighter foods over eating less. Your metabolism is revved up by consistently fueling, not by restricting how much you eat. Do not be afraid of eating low-glycemic carbs during this season. Start with a quality protein and then add lots of veggies and then either healthy carbs or some healthy fats. 


Making small key changes to your daily lifestyle goes a long way towards giving your body what it needs to release excess weight and be supported hormonally. 


You are in a season to love on your body. Look for and plan ways to reduce stress and increase your joy. Find some activities that will help calm you down. Try Epsom salt baths, or meditation, prayer, yoga or gentle walking. Spend time with friends, journal your thoughts, and take breaks during your day to check in with yourself. Find joy in your life on a daily basis. 


This is an amazing life you have been given and you get the blessing of thanking your body during this menopausal transition.


I wanted to share the success of some of my clients who have gone through the 28-day Menopause Makeover. They are great examples of the can happen during menopause when you have the right tools and support.



Juliette F.

Changes seem subtle, but it has only been a month, what is possible if this keeps up for life?!

I lost 5 lbs, and feel great.

I'm fascinated by how my face seemed to "plump" in a healthy way.

As I age, I've been concerned that when losing weight, my face and skin will sink/sag and I will look older.

The after-pic angle makes it look like I gained a slight double chin, but I can attest it is less than when I started.

I've gained some great tools and insights, I'm inspired and motivated to keep going! Thank you!



Michelle M.

Started at 166lbs

Current weight: 153lbs

That is 9 lbs weight loss with 3.5 off her waistline.




These ladies knew that they needed to change in order to see changes. 

But it's easier to do it when you are armed with knowledge and understanding of why the weight gain is not leaving. 

By joining the 28-Day Menopause Makeover, you will be given all the tools you need to balance your hormones and reduce or banish the symptoms attached to out-of-whack hormones. 


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