10 Factors that Inhibit Fat Loss

Jul 19, 2022
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Let’s talk about the factors that help you lose weight and those that keep you from losing weight.


Believe it or not the scale is not the best instrument to measure your fat loss. The scale is only one type of measurement, it’s just a piece of metal, it’s a tool that can give you data but it is only telling you one thing - pounds up, down or the same. Those numbers can be influenced by a number of factors so you can’t take this number too seriously.


Let me suggest 2 better ways to measure your actual weight or fat loss. Measuring your body and noticing how your clothes fit or using a smart scale will give you a more accurate picture or your weight. A smart scale, which I use, will tell you how much fat you have and how much lean muscle. Your goal is to increase your lean muscle and decrease your fat.



Let’s dive in and talk about the 10 factors that affect your fat loss.

1. Inflammation

As we get older our estrogen levels naturally decrease, this causes inflammation to rise because estrogen works to keep inflammation at bay. If you are dealing with chronic inflammation, systemic inflammation or inflammation at the cellular level then your body is more busy working to regulate that inflammation than prioritizing fat release.

Action Steps: 

  • get your blood tested for hs-CRP levels
  • Eat the right foods, avoid inflammatory foods like - sugar, white flour, artificial sweeteners, trans fats, fried food, wheat and gluten, dairy, low quality meat, refined oils, excessive alcohol and coffee, and foods that are a specific problem for you. 


2. Out of Balance Hormones

The list is long and complicated but it may look like insulin resistance, high blood sugar, prediabetes, estrogen dominance, and low or high thyroid. All of these are hormonal issues and can contribute to slow weight loss as well as other symptoms.

Action Steps:

  • Find a functional practitioner who will work with you to get your hormone numbers in the optimal range and you feeling better
  • Ask for a full thyroid panel


3. Using toxic products

As we age, our liver begins to get tired and sluggish causing the clearing out of toxins to take more effort. Using skin care products and cleaning products that are free from harmful toxins will enable your liver to do its job more effectively.

Action Steps:


4. Your Gut Health

The health of your gut gets a lot of press right now and it is a big deal. Taking care of your gut is directly correlated to your health and weight loss ability. Focus on eating fermented food and cultured vegetables. 

Action Steps:

  • Avoid inflammatory foods
  • Add probiotics to your diet in supplement and food form
  • Eat fermented foods like kefir, miso and yogurt.


5. Lack of Sleep 

Are you getting any? When you don’t get enough sleep your cortisol levels are going to increase and your body will not be able to restore and recover. 

Action Steps:


6. Emotions, your past, and trauma

Trauma and emotional issues that are left untreated and unengaged can lead to your body holding on to fat. Self-care and healing can take many forms but one of the most important is to get help to walk through emotional pain and trauma to bring your whole body into a place of healing and peace.

Action Steps:

  • Reach out for help - find a good counselor or therapist to help you move through your pain and into a place of healing


7. Genetics

No, you don't have much control over this influence in your body but knowledge can be turned to your advantage. What you eat, how you live and how you move can dictate if certain genetic traits get turned on or not. 

Action Steps:

  • Take a DNA test and start diving into what your genetic makeup is telling you.


8. Limiting carbs

When you limit your carbs and put too much focus on fattier meals, specifically what we in the Trim Healthy Mama world call heavy S meals then you are limiting your body's ability to shed extra weight. Focus on a balance of E (energizing) meals with proper amounts of low glycemic carbohydrates and S (satisfying) meals full of good fats. 

Action Steps:

  • Add more E meals into your menu plan ( E meals include higher carbs from low glycemic sources with less fat)
  • Limit your heavy dairy meals


9. Low Vitamin D levels

You are moving towards optimized functioning in your whole body which includes your vitamin and micronutrient levels. Low vitamin D levels will affect how your body is able to shed extra weight. Low micronutrient levels may have an impact on your general health and your body cannot run at optimal levels when you are lacking. 

Action Steps:

  • Get your vitamin D levels tested
  • Get your micronutrient levels tested
  • Supplement with calcium & magnesium


10. Exercise

Too much exercise or not enough exercise can contribute to your ability to lose weight. 

Action Steps:

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