
Gentle Detox

The 30-Day Detox Program is a gentle cleanse designed to jump-start your health journey.


This program may seem fairly restrictive compared to the modern-day western diet, but you should not go hungry, since this is not a fast. You will eat abundantly from the foods that are listed, and use our menu and recipes as guides to make the most of your detox experience. 

Some notable features of this program include: 

  • Simple and easy Detox recipes  
  • A complete 30-day menu laid out for you 
  • Weekly grocery shopping lists planned out 
  • Comprehensive info on how to prepare for a cleanse/Detox, what to do during the cleanse, how to ease out of the cleanse, and lifestyle changes to support a healthy liver! 
  • Why you need to Eliminate Certain foods for the Cleanse! 
  • Tips and Tools for Toxin Reduction

*All recipes & menus follow the Trim Healthy Mama plan guidelines.

What People Are Saying:

I did some of the detox. No dairy or sprouted grains(bread) for me this month. I have learned that my body/tummy does not do well with sprouted bread at all. Also in this season of life lots of dairy is not my friend. I added dry brushing and taking a probiotic daily which I can tell have made a big difference in my body.


I am down 5 lbs after doing the detox and I have grown to absolutely love using herbs in my salads. Since January and being 100% on plan, I've lost 20 lbs! 🎉 I plan to continue the lemon elixir and cranberry flush for a while - they just make my body feel very, very happy (not so much my taste buds but I can get over that lol)


1. My clothes are looser!!! Shirts are handing rather than stretching over my belly!!! 2. I think my body really does better with less dairy.
