9 Foods that Fight Hormonal Weight Gain

Jul 26, 2022


Ever fallen down the rabbit trail of shame and guilt when your weight starts to creep up on you and there doesn’t seem to be a good reason why?


Why is it that our first instinct is to blame ourselves for unexplained weight gain? 


But what if your weight gain isn’t about self-control or lack of exercise. What if the thing stopping you from shedding those extra pounds is like a plug in your drain keeping all the nasty dishwater stuck in your sink? You can’t shed the pounds until you figure out what is stopping your body from releasing that extra weight.


If you are dealing with unexplained weight problems, the chances are that your hormones are to blame. 


Let’s look at some common symptoms you may be experiencing if your hormones need support:  

  • Rapid weight gain (especially in belly, hips, thighs) 
  • Difficulty losing weight (even with a diet and exercise)  
  • Anxiety 
  • Craving carbohydrates + sugar 
  • Depression 
  • Fatigue (especially in late afternoon) 
  • Hair loss or thinning  
  • Heavy flow 
  • Insomnia 
  • PMS 
  • Skin issues 
  • Symptoms of polycystic ovary syndrome in women (acne, excess facial hair)  


Apart from your reproductive health, hormones can also affect your mood and appetite. When hormones are out of balance, you may feel, tired, irritable, or experience irregular bowel movements. On top of that, you may also notice some unexplained weight gain or weight loss.  

The good news is that there are some foods that can go a long way in helping you restore hormonal bliss. While it is still a good idea to find an integrative practitioner to help you get to the root of your hormonal problems, you can start now by incorporating these amazing foods into your everyday meal plan.




When you add these hormone-friendly foods to your daily diet, your body's hormone production will get lots of much-needed help that will allow your body and mind to function at peak levels.  



Protein influences leptin and ghrelin production in the body. These two hormones are responsible for controlling your appetite and food intake.  


Complex and high-fiber carbohydrates help stabilize blood sugar levels. They also reduce the levels of cortisol in the body. High-fiber carbohydrates are essential because, unlike refined carbs, fiber does not break down in the body. This means the fiber is not converted to sugar, which means your blood sugar levels don't spike as much as they would with other carbs.  


High-quality natural fats help reduce insulin resistance in the body. They also help curb your appetite, allowing you to feel sated once you eat enough food. This can go a long way in preventing overfeeding and controlling your weight gain.  





#1 EGGS 

Eggs are rich in protein, which has been shown to affect ghrelin and insulin production positively. Insulin controls your blood sugar levels, while ghrelin is responsible for controlling your appetite. Your insulin and ghrelin levels will drop when you eat eggs for breakfast. Additionally, eggs will keep you feeling full for longer, allowing you to consume less food for each meal. This is especially beneficial if you are trying to lose weight.  



The American Heart Association recommends eating fatty fish like herring, sardines, wild-caught salmon, mackerel, and lake trout. They have been shown to help stabilize hunger hormones allowing you to feel fuller for longer. Fatty fish are also rich in Vitamin D. Vitamin D is essential in managing female testosterone levels. When female testosterone levels are improved, it can lead to slower weight gain, less fatigue, and lower depression levels. Eating as little as 3.5 ounces of fatty fish twice a week can go a long way in keeping your heart healthy and your hair and skin glowing. Additionally, the good fats in fish are essential for proper hormonal communication. The endocrine system relies on these hormones to communicate with the brain. When these lines of communication are working seamlessly, you will be in a better mood and have better cognitive skills.  



Chicken breast is yet another food super high in protein. Diets rich in protein have been shown to promote leptin production, the hormone responsible for making you feel sated. Chicken breast is also great for anabolic hormones like insulin and estrogen. In this way, it helps in the building of muscles after workouts.  



Green leafy veggies like kale, spinach, collard greens, and Swiss chard are packed full of antioxidants. These antioxidants are essential for the prevention of inflammation. Eating leafy greens has also been shown to reduce stress by lowering cortisol levels and helping rebalance estrogen levels. Leafy greens are also high in fiber. Fiber helps in lowering estrogen levels, reducing the risk of hormone-related complications. Try to eat about 25 to 35 grams of fiber through leafy greens per day to help support your hormones.  



Cruciferous vegetables include cabbage, broccoli, kale, cauliflower, and brussels sprouts. Just like leafy greens, they also help remove excess estrogen from the body. However, they also come packed with essential nutrients like calcium. Their high calcium content helps in PMS symptom relief and regulates mood swings.  



Quinoa is both a protein and a gluten-free carbohydrate. It has a high protein content that stabilizes blood sugar levels. This also makes it an essential food for supporting testosterone levels. Additionally, quinoa contains phosphorus and magnesium. These two essential minerals help alleviate PMS symptoms while also promoting better sleep.  



Flaxseeds contain plant-based estrogens (mostly lignans) that promote hormonal balance. They also offer menstrual support. Flaxseeds are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, and fiber. The fiber in flaxseeds is an excellent probiotic that is also insoluble, making it exactly what you need to encourage bowel movements and the detoxification of excess hormones from your body. Want to take advantage of this fantastic hormone-balancing food? Toss a few handfuls of flaxseeds into your oatmeal or smoothie every day.  



Avocados are packed with beta-sitosterol, which has been shown to improve blood cholesterol levels and balance cortisol. It also influences estrogen and progesterone production.  


#9 NUTS 

Nuts are a rich source of poly- and mono-unsaturated fats. These good fats aid hormone production while also boosting blood vessel health. They also help lower cholesterol and insulin levels while positively impacting your overall endocrine system and maintaining optimum blood sugar levels. While all nuts are great, Brazil nuts are a great source of selenium, essential in ensuring good overall thyroid health. Walnuts are rich in omega-3 fatty acids and have anti-inflammatory properties, making them great for promoting good brain health. Finally, almonds have very high protein and antioxidant levels.  






With my Group Coaching monthly membership, you will get the tools to support healthy hormone balance so you can lose weight naturally. This will allow you to lose that extra weight, and you can finally look and feel as good as you have always wanted.  


If you have been looking for a Trim Healthy Mama wellness plan that incorporates foods and exercises that will move your towards more balance in your hormones and help you achieve a holistic and simplified lifestyle, then check out Group Coaching monthly membership here.


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